Author Topic: XC Cycling and the Coronavirus .... is anyone riding XC ?  (Read 31244 times)

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Offline nhhillrider

XC Cycling and the Coronavirus .... is anyone riding XC ?
« on: March 27, 2020, 11:14:54 am »
Adventure Cycling canceled tours through end of April.    So far no news for after that.   
I'm hearing that motels, campgrounds,  Air B&Bs are shutting down.    Obviously hosteling is a bad idea.   Seems many restaurants are doing curbside takeout.   Groceries are still available along the way.

I was looking forward to a self supported XC tour with one companion.   Originally planning to leave early May going East to West on the TA route.  Original plan was to do mostly motels and minimal camping.   Given the state of the country and no end in site for the pandemic, our plans are on hold ... wait and see.   I doubt the trip will happen this year.   Sad of course but staying safe and healthy and not spreading this terrible virus are the priorities of course.

What are other folks thinking?

« Last Edit: March 27, 2020, 11:25:58 am by nhhillrider »

Offline hikerjer

Re: XC Cycling and the Coronavirus .... is anyone riding XC ?
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2020, 11:25:45 am »
I'm thinking that's not very feasible given the situation.  I was planning on a cross country tour starting mid-July but that's on hold. I doubt we'll be out of this by then. I think we've all got to hunker down for the long  haul. Considering what many people are going through, canceling a tour is relatively minor. Disappointing sure, but nothing like being infected or out of a job.

Offline BikePacker

Re: XC Cycling and the Coronavirus .... is anyone riding XC ?
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2020, 08:25:01 am »
Single day loops is where i am, for now.

Offline hikerjer

Re: XC Cycling and the Coronavirus .... is anyone riding XC ?
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2020, 06:33:07 pm »
Same here.  It's still riding so I'm OK with it.

Offline jamawani

Re: XC Cycling and the Coronavirus .... is anyone riding XC ?
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2020, 07:49:42 pm »
I am still seriously considering an X-USA ride from Washington state to Maryland.
Starting early July, ending late September.

I anticipate a coronavirus peak in late April, decline in May.
June may be the tail - unless there is a second bump.
Much depends on how things are managed in the next 30 days.

Also, it depends on whether or not I'm stilll around.

Offline staehpj1

Re: XC Cycling and the Coronavirus .... is anyone riding XC ?
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2020, 06:34:39 am »
I am still seriously considering an X-USA ride from Washington state to Maryland.
Starting early July, ending late September.

I anticipate a coronavirus peak in late April, decline in May.
June may be the tail - unless there is a second bump.
Much depends on how things are managed in the next 30 days.

Also, it depends on whether or not I'm stilll around.
I hope that works out for you.  I fear that is an optimistic prediction of the pandemic timatable, but maybe it will play out that way.

I had some touring and backpacking plans in the works and they are all on hold indefinitely.  Also some vacation plans with the wife, also on hold.  I hate that as I am getting to the age where I realize that my years of doing some things are getting shorter pretty quickly and I already can't/won't do some stuff I might have a few years ago.  Also I realize that some of us won't make it through this.  I am not in a super high risk category but at almost 69 I am at elevated enough risk to make me a little more aware of my mortality.

Offline jamawani

Re: XC Cycling and the Coronavirus .... is anyone riding XC ?
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2020, 08:58:52 am »
I hate that as I am getting to the age where I realize that my years of doing some things are getting shorter pretty quickly and I already can't/won't do some stuff I might have a few years ago. 

You are a mere youth.
Or as Vinny Gambini said, "Yute".

Offline staehpj1

Re: XC Cycling and the Coronavirus .... is anyone riding XC ?
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2020, 09:11:33 am »
I hate that as I am getting to the age where I realize that my years of doing some things are getting shorter pretty quickly and I already can't/won't do some stuff I might have a few years ago. 

You are a mere youth.
Or as Vinny Gambini said, "Yute".

Well mom and dad rode well into their late 70s, still did long day rides late in life, mom lived to 97 and was pretty spry up to the last, so I guess I could have quite a few good years left ...and yet I feel pretty old these days.  It seems like my realistic expectations of what peaks I might bag, what rivers I might run, and so on gets smaller each year.  So losing a year or more of more ambitious trips really sucks.

Offline BikeliciousBabe

Re: XC Cycling and the Coronavirus .... is anyone riding XC ?
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2020, 10:23:52 am »
I am a member of a large touring group on Facebook. There have been a couple of recent reports of several people abandoning the Southern Tier due to virus-related things like closures of campgrounds and food sources.

In many places it's tough to get medical attention even if you are on your own turf. Imagine getting sick out on the road right now. Another thing to be consider is the possibility of being seen by local as a "spreader." That was happening in Viet Nam not too long ago. Touring cyclists reported being denied service in restaurants and shops. Some were even verbally abused.

I had to cancel my Easter long weekend tour due to campground closures and a ferry not accepting walk-on passengers. I am scheduled for MTR and ID starting in mid-June. I am pretty much convinced that it's not going to happen, if only due to a lack of training. Hoping I can get my airfare back or at least get a voucher that I can use far down the road.

Maybe the fall will be better. If Amtrak starts up the Pennsylvanian services by then I could take that to Pittsburgh and ride home, starting on the GAP.

Offline hikerjer

Re: XC Cycling and the Coronavirus .... is anyone riding XC ?
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2020, 12:55:57 pm »
"I hate that as I am getting to the age where I realize that my years of doing some things are getting shorter pretty quickly and I already can't/won't do some stuff I might have a few years ago."

I'm in pretty much the same situation as you only I've actually got a few years on you.  One of the most discouraging things to deal with is that I'm not  going to get more fit regardless of what I do. At our age if you can just maintain or even just significantly slow down the degeneration you're dong pretty darn well. What's most disappointing to me is that at our age, one cannot indefinitely keep saying "next year". There comes a point that you just won't be able to physically do it next year. I don't think I'm quite there yet and I'm cautiously optimistic that I have a few years left. But one never knows, especially in these times.  In the meantime, I'll keep riding locally as much as I can and hope for the best.  These are strange and troubling times for us all.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2020, 04:35:14 pm by hikerjer »

Offline BikePacker

Re: XC Cycling and the Coronavirus .... is anyone riding XC ?
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2020, 05:44:55 pm »
One of the most discouraging things to deal with is that I'm not  going to get more fit regardless of what I do.
At our age if you can just maintain or even just significantly slow down the degeneration * you're dong pretty darn well.
You have helped me 'visualize' my needed to be visualized objective:
* "....just significantly slow down the degeneration..."
I have been wondering a little, to more than a little,
about this cause last year I noted a couple of times for the first time
that even tho I was in OK shape that peeps that were not at all in said shape,
but much younger, could easily out ride me.
Left me thinking .... "huh."
Memo to myself: You have found your new objective ~ thereby adapt/adjust accordingly.

Offline hikerjer

Re: XC Cycling and the Coronavirus .... is anyone riding XC ?
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2020, 06:31:26 pm »
Like they say, "getting old is the pits, until you consider the alternative". I'll admit it is somewhat discouraging not being able to do the things I used to in the same manner I used to do them but one has to realize that's just the way it is in everyone's life. At 71 I do still do most of those things but just not as well or intensely. Instead of riding a century maybe I'll have to settle for a metric century. Instead of hiking 10-15 miles a day on a backpack trip, Ill have to settle for 7 miles. Still, I can do them.  I guess just being able to do them at all is something to be thankful for. All I can say for sure is that I'm not ready for a full time rocking chair - yet. But there are times it's a nice option for a brief time ;).

Just keep moving.

Offline staehpj1

Re: XC Cycling and the Coronavirus .... is anyone riding XC ?
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2020, 06:53:21 pm »
Yes.  I think we can usually continue touring and backpacking or at the very least riding and hiking quite late in life.

We may need to give up on some of the more ambitious goals like for example at one point I was considering trying to hit all 50 state high points.  Alaska went quite a while ago and now I am thinking that any that involve actual mountaineering are not happening.  Now it is looking like it isn't worth making much effort to bother keeping a list any more given that it will never be anywhere near complete.

Taking a year off just adds more stuff to the list of things that used to be on the list and now probably won't happen.

Offline hikerjer

Re: XC Cycling and the Coronavirus .... is anyone riding XC ?
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2020, 07:01:52 pm »
"Taking a year off just adds more stuff to the list of things that used to be on the list and now probably won't happen."

Maybe maybe not. Some adjustment is needed, though. Inevitable fact of life.

Offline staehpj1

Re: XC Cycling and the Coronavirus .... is anyone riding XC ?
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2020, 07:10:56 pm »
"Taking a year off just adds more stuff to the list of things that used to be on the list and now probably won't happen."

Maybe maybe not. Some adjustment is needed, though. Inevitable fact of life.
Maybe I am being overly pessimistic, but the trend is in that direction and I hate losing a year.  I figure it can't be helped though.  I really ought to just be thankful that I am in relatively good health and decent shape for my age.