Author Topic: transam june 20  (Read 4969 times)

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Offline fastrog

transam june 20
« on: April 03, 2020, 12:14:39 am »
i am still hoping to do the third leg of my transam ride this summer, starting from missoula around june 20, westbound. i realize it is too early for a definitive answer, but what is the general feeling about whether services will be available west of missoula? my thought is that the  light population on most of the route would make it safer than staying in florida. of course if stores and campgrounds are closed, life might be a bit harsh in idaho and eastern oregon.

Offline John Nettles

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Re: transam june 20
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2020, 12:27:58 am »
If the country is still shut down, I personally would not go.  You would need to carry extra food or be prepared to at least.  You would need to call ahead to grocery stores and cafes to see if they are open.  Don't be surprised if a lot of small town grocery stores and cafes and tourist sits are permanently closed if it lingers too long.

As far as camping goes, Idaho and Oregon have a ton of BLM and National Forest lands so camping should not be a problem.  Getting a shower or being able to buy baby wipes might be. 

We are still at least 2 months away from your trip.  Lots can change between now and then.  Look what has happened in just two weeks. It is just way too early to make a decent guess.

Tailwinds, John

Offline staehpj1

Re: transam june 20
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2020, 05:37:54 am »
John already said pretty much what I would have said.  I personally am not planning anything this year unless things change pretty drastically first.  At this point it looks like a bad idea.  We don't know how fast things will change or what they will looks like after they do.  I doubt you will find campgrounds open, but that is manageable in that part of the country.  Shopping may be a bigger issue.  Depending on how bad the pandemic gets there hostility towards outsiders may possibly be an issue.

If you are inclined to try to go, I'd wait until the last minute to decide.  If I had to decide now it would be a no for sure.

Offline jamawani

Re: transam june 20
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2020, 10:55:27 am »
The "light population" in Idaho and eastern Oregon -
might not be too thrilled having someone from Florida cycle through.

If the pandemic curve is similar to Italy's,
there arelikely to be travel restrictions.
If not, many services will likely still be closed.
If you have the ability to pack food for 7 days
and rough camp, filter water, etc. you might be O.K.

National Park, National Forest, and state park facilities are closed.
If campgrounds stay closed thru June, they may remain closed all season.
Costs to open and staff will simply be too much when money is already thin.

The view from Wyoming -

Offline John Nettles

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Re: transam june 20
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2020, 11:00:29 am »
National Park, National Forest, and state park facilities are closed.
If campgrounds stay closed thru June, they may remain closed all season.
Costs to open and staff will simply be too much when money is already thin.

Hadn't thought of that.  Are they actually talking about that or are you giving an educated guess?  I am not trying to sound rude and I value your opinions but perception and reality are not always the same.

Part of me totally gets what you are saying.  On the other hand, I could see them saying we have to open it for the sake of morale.  I hope you are wrong, no offense.

Tailwinds, John

Offline John Nelson

Re: transam june 20
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2020, 12:11:29 pm »

Offline staehpj1

Re: transam june 20
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2020, 01:04:55 pm »
The "light population" in Idaho and eastern Oregon -
might not be too thrilled having someone from Florida cycle through.
Absolutely.  It could get ugly where you'd otherwise have no problems.
National Park, National Forest, and state park facilities are closed.
I'd expect campgrounds and facilities to remain closed for a while, likely all summer.  I wonder how that applies/will apply to dispersed camping on National Forest and BLM land.

Offline jamawani

Re: transam june 20
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2020, 02:34:21 pm »
I base my observations on two things.

1) For much of the past 10 years, lands agencies in Wyoming have been cutting services.
Even in good years, they have opened later simply because they don't have funds/personnel.
That's one of the reasons why facilities have been farmed out to concessionaires.
But the agencies are still responsible for water systems, septic, roads, etc. etc.

2) I live in a community with a forest service office and friends who work there.
Two things - they don't want people travelling  - esp long-term camping - from high risk areas.
National forests in the West have a certain attraction to the survivalist types with their cell phones.
And money is just not there. The deferred core maintenance problem is extreme.
So, I think there may be a likelihood that agencies may forgo a partial season.

Offline Pat Lamb

Re: transam june 20
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2020, 09:56:22 pm »
FWIW, I understand the good people of eastern and central Washington persuaded the governor to halt plowing and clearing of a couple of the passes over the Cascades.  The feeling is, keep the sick people from the coast from being able to get here easily.

I can imagine that attitude becoming widespread.  It's not just that's on TV.  It's the politics (do you believe the news?), it's what people are seeing and hearing locally.  You can point out that there's at least one COVID-19 case in almost every county by now (or shortly will be), but when the mayor's wife takes the last ventilator in the local hospital, or the store- or saloon-keeper comes down sick, the attitude may well become, "Keep them outsiders out of our town!"  It's going to be a tough, fast-talking sell to say you left the coast a month ago and have been riding through isolated, rural areas when you need groceries, a meal, a bed, or just some water and Gatorade when confronted with that attitude.

Offline fastrog

Re: transam june 20
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2020, 11:12:00 pm »
mostly what i was thinking, but even worse. i have been trying to be optiimistic that the actual virus will have largely run its course in most areas by mid-late june. i ride supported, by the way. my wife drives our ford van and we sleep in it and cook outdoors. no plumbing, but we can carry plenty of food and drinking water, so i would be better off than a solo cyclist. i have lived in 10 states and one territory, including montana and oregon and the deep south, and  never had issues with "the locals." i am worried if every blm and forest service road is closed, since we had already expected some rough-ish camps. (yes, i expect no tears from self-supported and solo riders.)  so, for now just ride and wait and watch. thanks.

Offline BikeliciousBabe

Re: transam june 20
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2020, 10:45:50 am »
mostly what i was thinking, but even worse. i have been trying to be optiimistic that the actual virus will have largely run its course in most areas by mid-late june. i ride supported, by the way. my wife drives our ford van and we sleep in it and cook outdoors. no plumbing, but we can carry plenty of food and drinking water, so i would be better off than a solo cyclist. i have lived in 10 states and one territory, including montana and oregon and the deep south, and  never had issues with "the locals." i am worried if every blm and forest service road is closed, since we had already expected some rough-ish camps. (yes, i expect no tears from self-supported and solo riders.)  so, for now just ride and wait and watch. thanks.

Thta's a bit of a different animal. You have an "escape" if things aren't pleasant. And you wife can more easily "fly under the radar."

I am scheduled to fly to Missoula on June 13th for two weeks of riding in MT and ID. I have pretty much come to the conclusion that's its not going to happen, but I am holding out for a bit before contacting my airline to ask about a voucher or something similar. In th mean time, I cannot even take local trips and camp legally because all the state parks in my state and the two neighboring states are closed until further notice, and I believe private campgrounds are not considered essential service. Had to scrub my  4-day trip planned for this coming Thursday that utilized 2 state parks that are now closed and a ferry that is no longer accepting foot traffic.

Offline fastrog

Re: transam june 20
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2020, 11:46:03 pm »
maybe see you on the road out there.