You said this is a solo trip, so why such a huge 4 quart cooking pot? All you need is around a 1/2 of a quart pot. I have a 7" fry pan and a .63 quart pot with lid, and it's made of aluminum, the kit cost me $12! it is thin aluminum so I watch my heat so as not to burn the food, and it does dent easily but you can undent it just as easily. Instead of carrying plates I just eat directly out of the pan or pot.
As you might be able to tell from above I use stuff for double duty, I don't have a serving spoon, I use my titanium spork and use it for serving and eating with
I got a cheap ignitor stove for $12 called the Etekcity that uses any propane canister fuel, and it works great. With a ignitor stove I don't need matches but I carry waterproof windproof torch I got from Menards for $5 in case I need to start a fire, a bit larger than a lighter but a hell of lot hotter. The ability to start a campfire could be life saving, so I have couple of ways to start fires but you didn't ask about that so moving on.
I use my multi tool partially serrated knife for any food cutting so as not to carry a separate knife. In fact I don't even carry a big survival knife, instead I carry a very small axe that I can use to chop wood, or flip it over and use it to pound in stakes while the axe cuts my head open on the up swing and my brains gush out...
I have a very short high temperture plastic spatula.
I carry a spice bottle thing that has something like 4 or 5 different spices in one small bottle; and I carry a small bottle of olive oil for cooking, but olive oil goes bad after about 2 to 3 months not in a fridge so you need to toss it after every trip, and it's why you want the smallest bottle you can buy. Of course I carry coffee but no sugar or creamer, and I make it using a very small GSI Outdoors Ultralight Java Drip, takes up next to nothing in space and weight and it works great; it's a pour over type of device.
The only weird things I do is that I do not pack my fuel in with my pot and pan, I put all my stuff into plastic ziplock bags and the fuel canister goes by itself into a zip lock bag, as does the olive oil and spices are also all separate in their own bag. This is so nothing spills onto other stuff, and fuel will contaminate cookware should it by chance leak. I also line the panniers with a cinch up plastic trash bag, why? in case of spills, I don't want crap messing up the inside of my bags, and it also helps keep out any rain should that by chance get inside. My clothes and towel are all in plastic zip lock bags. All my food I buy goes into zip lock bags. I know, it's weird stuff I do.