Author Topic: Route 66 to Southern Tier - Somewhere between Amarillo and OKC/Tulsa  (Read 10289 times)

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Offline ega

Good evening -

60 yo from OH on first USA XC tour. Most of it Solo. 
(But toured in 80s in Europe and Canada - just things were different then).
Currently on BR66, West to East.
Camping gear is along, however, numerous campgrounds remain closed, I like a comfortable bed and warm shower, so that is currently primary accommodation mode.

Looking to migrate from the BR66 to the Southern Tier somewhere in the range between Amarillo and OKC/Tulsa.  Would be a plus to skirt Dallas, but not required.  Suggestions? Thoughts? Estimating mid- to late- July.   Thanks In Advance.

Offline John Nettles

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  • Posts: 2034
  • I ride for smiles, not miles.
Do you happen to have a GPS?  I have gps data to take you from OKC (or Tulsa) to New Orleans from a tour I did about 5 years ago.  My cue sheets are S to N so they won't help.  Since smaller county roads are involved, numerous turns so in the absence of a cue sheet, a GPS would be needed. Unfortunately, I currently do not have the time to come up with the N to S cue sheet in time for you.

Tailwinds, John

Offline ega

"Do you happen to have a GPS?"
Tailwinds, John

Yes.  I'm riding with a Garmin Edge 1030.  I would definitely be interested in your GPS data and the sheets as well.  That would be much appreciated. I assume you have my e-address from profile.  Let me know if you need other information. Thx.

Offline TCS

What's more important for you, the destination, or the journey?

If the destination is the important goal (or if you are time-constrained), then hop on US83 in Shamrock, Texas, and ride the shoulder down to Leakey, Texas.  415 miles, straight shot, Route 66 to Southern Tier, done.

If the journey is the important goal (and if you have adequate time), here's a route from Elk City, Oklahoma to Bastrop, Texas filled with mountains (?  yes!), waterfalls, lakes, a swimming beach, state parks, tiny towns and their fascinating and sometimes quirky museums, wineries, breweries, giraffes and dinosaurs.  It's country lanes wherever possible (all paved).  There are places to camp and motels at reasonable intervals.

Give it a look.  About 630 miles.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2021, 07:40:18 pm by TCS »
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