no idea how to ship,but am willing to split the cost.
If y'all are both near REI locations, be aware, if you are not already (therefore simply a reminder : ), that REI will ship REI to REI, as well as 're-assemble.'
If you are referring to the old policy of them shipping on the cheap using their distribution channel store to store I am pretty sure they no longer do that. When I tried to use their shipping they weren't able to help me. My memory is a little foggy on the details, but I think that was in Denver in 1012, but it may have been a different trip. As I recall they seemed to think that their inability to ship via their network was a recent change. In fact the clerk seemed to initially think the policy was still in effect until he tried to get his boss to sign off on it.
I think they said they could pack it for a fee and ship via UPS for full UPS charges. I don't think I was even getting their reduced rate. As I recall they weren't particularly cheap for the packing and I declined. If I remember correctly it was more than I usually have paid at local bike shops when you factored in the packing and shipping fees.
Things were better at REI immediately before then and for all I know may be better again now, but what I was offered on that day at that REI was not an especially good deal.
The clerk did give me a bike box. I think he said he was supposed to charge me for it but didn't.