I read about cycling on the so-called east coast greenway. If ever a cycling route existed mostly in the imagination, the ECG is it, so far, anyway. I read comments on CGOAB. One cyclist said he could not believe the ECG people had done research research on the prescribed route which he described as narrow, with no side lane, dangerous, with loads of traffic, noisy and polluted.
ACA have mapped their own Atlantic coast route. I looked closely at the map. It too goes far out of the bee-line in most all areas It is necessary to do that in some areas to avoid thick frantic traffic. I have done the Atlantic coast four times, but the full length once.
One piece of advice for anyone cycling the ACBR in Florida.The barrier islands may be your best route as mapped, but not always. Let's say you are getting strong winds from the east or the west, side winds that is. Out there on the islands you are wide open to getting blasted. That is because there are not forests and structures to block the wind. Sure there are some, but now much. If you go west and use Federal Highway US 1, you will be much better protected from the wind. If it is from the east, ride the east side of 1. If the wind is from the west, sidewalks on the west side of 1 will keep you near buildings and trees that can significantly reduce the volume of wind hindering your forward progress. If the wind gets to 25 mph, I just say to hell with it, find a Starbucks, and chill with an ice coffee and internet.