Author Topic: Greater Yellowstone Trail  (Read 3763 times)

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Offline mthiel53

Greater Yellowstone Trail
« on: July 12, 2020, 11:35:33 am »
Has anyone ridden the Greater Yellowstone Trail (Colter Bay to West Yellowstone) recently?  A group of four of us are planning to ride it in late Sept (and completing the loop from West Yellowstone to Colter Bay) and were wondering about the status.  Also, can anyone give us any tips on riding in Yellowstone Park?

Offline Pat Lamb

Re: Greater Yellowstone Trail
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2020, 03:55:21 pm »
I'd never heard of it.  Looking at the web site, it looks like somebody had a great idea a while back, but no news for the last three years doesn't sound promising.  OTOH, if google maps' bike directions are accurate, you'll be on trails for half the 120 mile distance.  Note this route bypasses Yellowstone National Park.

As for bicycling in the park, have you read the Park Service's page on it?

I believe you're generally restricted to roads you'll be sharing with motor vehicles.  Leave as early as possible every morning; the tour buses pull out of motels around 8:30, but the bulk of tourists driving cars, trucks, and campers, won't start rolling until 11:00 or so.  You'll want to be comfortable taking your lane to ride in the park itself.

Offline jamawani

Re: Greater Yellowstone Trail
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2020, 07:05:32 pm »
Nothing to write home to Mom about.
I used to live in Jackson and have biked most sections at one time or another.
There are much better loops in western Wyoming / eastern Idaho.

Teton Pass - Hwy 22 is very steep and very busy.
Victor & Driggs - Newer trail sections, but valley very developed.
Targhee National Forest - trees and more trees, minimal views.
(Mesa Falls is nice, but you have ile aftr mile of just trees.)
Reas Pass - the old railbed is brutal, don't think it has been improved.


A far more scenic and rewarding route might be:
1. Jackson - GTNP - Buffalo Fork - Togwotee Pass - Brooks Lake
2. Brooks Lake - Union Pass Road - Green River Lakes
3. Green River Lakes - 40 Rod Road - Bondurant - Granite Hot Springs -
4. Granite Hot Springs - Hoback - Fall Creek Rd - Jackson


Late September can be lovely - late Septermber can be brutal.

Offline adventure124

Re: Greater Yellowstone Trail
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2020, 11:18:12 am »
I haven't biked the tour but I've been to the Yellowstone park and it is beautiful, I would recommend to see the waterfalls for sure, probably a hike there is the best solution.