yes, I realize the rental car thing is not a huge problem. I was just enjoying the conversation regarding getting there.
The biggest concern for me is keeping safe as I can reasonably, and not being stuck without a place to camp the whole way down.
Regarding getting sick, I did ask my doctors opinion and he said go for it. My wife is director of public health nursing in our county and we have discussed it quite a bit. She is very cautious about what we all do as she is working all day, every day, with people who are sick often because they didn't strictly follow the public health guidelines.
I'm hope I don't sound like I'm trying to convince you I should go that wasn't my reason for posting but here is my answer to your question about getting sick in Bandon.
It wouldn't be a disastrous problem getting home if I were to get sick. My wife is a day's drive by car to anywhere I will be on my trip except for the most northern part of Oregon coast on first few days from Astoria but my son lives in Southern Washington. So he would be a few hours drive of me in my first week of travel. He says "go, being outdoors is the safest place you can be." Also I have a daughter in N. Calif who has a car with a bike rack. So I feel like the pacific coast is much better for a short tour for me, compared to heading across the country somewhere.