Author Topic: Maximum/minimum speeds  (Read 19089 times)

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Offline John Nelson

Re: Maximum/minimum speeds
« Reply #30 on: November 06, 2020, 11:42:35 pm »
When it comes to 30 mph it is time to stop and wait for it to end. I would be off the bike with a 30 mph side wind.
I encountered very strong crosswinds in Montana once. But I was in the middle of nowhere, 30 miles from any civilization. Those winds were going to continue for the rest of the day. I couldn’t just stand there until it got dark. Well, at least I didn’t want to. And I didn’t have time to walk anywhere either. I guess I could have hitchhiked.

Offline BikePacker

Re: Maximum/minimum speeds
« Reply #31 on: November 07, 2020, 09:28:58 am »
That is one thing about weather. It takes on a very different meaning on a long distance bicycling journey.
And what you have pointed out Westinghouse with your above comment is,
for me, one of the top 5 'things' I love about touring. ....
in fact, with another cup of coffee, you have maybe inspired me to do a new topic post ...
something like ~ "What are the top 5 things we like about touring?"

Offline Ty0604

Re: Maximum/minimum speeds
« Reply #32 on: November 10, 2020, 01:52:50 pm »
I hit 56mph coming down Satus Pass in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State and 52mph coming down Big Hole Pass in Montana. Both times I was trailing behind a vehicle, a truck on Satus and a motorhome on Big Hole. Without any assistance the highest speed I've reached was in the low 40's.

Slowest day? Probably would have been the stretch from Kamiah to the Lochsa Lodge along US-12 in Idaho. 96 miles and I averaged 7mph the entire day. I thought something was wrong with my bike. It's a very gradual uphill though that you don't notice until you look at the elevation map, which I hadn't until the next day.
Instagram: tyjames0604


Offline jwrushman

Re: Maximum/minimum speeds
« Reply #33 on: November 10, 2020, 02:59:47 pm »
Must have been an awfully day.