I have exactly the same make, model, year and color bike as you.
I'm not a huge fan of fenders. The little half fenders that come with the 520 are good enough for me.
Hi John,
I'm relieved to finally come across someone with this particular generation of 520

. I may have to pick your brain a little.
I thought the 2009 was the one year it came with fenders (shortys) although I may be mistaken(?) otherwise the 2009-2011 models appear identical. Mine is fenderless.
I adjust the brakes as they wear down by taking up more cable at the bolt. It's pretty simple. You don't really need exact adjustment anyway. Somewhere close is good enough. An adjustment every thousand miles is usually good. Takes just a minute.
Interrupter brake levers aren't my cup of tea. You have limited braking power from them, they are unnecessary, and they might get in the way of your handlebar bag.
I was thinking of doing this only for city use as my hands are practically always on the top flats of the bars.
Also, I think the frame is the largest size(?) I have long legs and arms but shorter torso and I'd like to look into shorter stem options.
I read this somewhere but I don't see it on my bike:
"In addition, the front brake lever has a small push pin (not sure what else to call it) that, when pushed, allows for more play in the brakes when compressing the brakes to remove the noodle."
Does that sound familiar to you?
I've used Schwalbe Marathon XR (no longer made), Marathon Supreme and Marathon Mondial, usually in 700x37 size. The folding Mondial are my favorite. I don't like the wire-bead Mondial. The size of tires that will fit in the frame is not limiting (within reason), but the size of tire that will allow fenders may be.
I use the Tubus Cargo on the rear and the Tubus Tara on the front, both with Ortlieb roller classic bags. All solid as a rock.
I ride in SPD pedals and wouldn't do anything else.
Yes, I need to figure out the widest tire that will fit my rims and with fenders.
BTW, do you know if the stock rims have a single shallow scored groove on their braking surface?
The Marathon Mondial looks like a great option for taming more varied surfaces.
Glad to know the Tara front rack will fit.

I like feature of the Cargo's wider top surface esp. for city riding and wish the Evo Logo incorporated that.