Author Topic: Selma and central Alabama.  (Read 15128 times)

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Offline zerodish

Selma and central Alabama.
« on: November 09, 2020, 08:12:32 am »
I did a tour from Mobile to Birmingham in the middle of the Covid virus. First of all there are the flies. These are half the length of regular flies. They can fly 15 mph and when you stop they get in your hair in your ears and in your eyes. I had to kill them with my sock hat to be able to read my map. There were no Dragonflies and no birds to keep  them under control. I opened the lid of my coffee and them of them landed in the water before I could take a single drink. A perfect example of koyaanisqatsi. Under Alabama law a bicycle is a vehicle. It is illegal to pass a vehicle on a narrow bridge. Not a single person stopped to allow me to cross. On one bridge I stopped to look behind me and a 18 wheeler had 4 by 4 logs hanging out of the undercarriage. I ran down the hill which the driver must of thought was funny. I expected them to impact the bridge and bounce back to hit me. It seems to be some sort of status symbol to tow a trailer. Around 5 percent of the vehicles were towing a trailer with outrigger wheels most of them with nothing on them. I was not able to get on the WiFi of a single library between Chicasaw and Hoover. The land is a swamp and there are 4 wheelers riding under every bridge. I was confronted but they decided to back off after they saw my Bear spray. Of course I came across an idiot cop. He pulled me over for not having my lights on. They were on. He may have been lying about this. Along the way I picked up tools in the road and put them in a box on the back rack. The 8 inch blade ice pick was clearly visible and he failed to see it see link below. My conclusion is he has no night vision and should not be driving. Avoid the area. The limits of the flies are flies are Mobile Meridian Birmingham and Montgomery. Mississippi does not have the internet yet so you may want to avoid it also.