I spoke for quite a while with Jamie today who was quite pleasant and understanding. Basically he implied it boiled down to there is not enough bodies to keep all the maps up to date since two of the six cartographers have moved on in the past year so something has to give unfortunately so it was the least used routes.
After talking with Jamie, while it is no guarantee, he said ACA would consider doing pdfs of the maps that do not need to be rerouted and not too much work is involved; again due to lack of personnel. He seemed receptive to that aspect but would not guarantee it. Certain map sections that require extensive rerouting, like the route UGRR Detroit Alternate, would not be done as other projects are more critical.
I asked him if ACA could produce a PDF of the the written text (cue sheet) and Service Listings that are currently on the maps so that information can be used in case the app/phone/GPS fails for some reason. While it is also not guaranteed, Jamie seem to be willing to consider that suggestion. To me, that would greatly alleviate the loss of an actual map as I can always print a map or ask a local if I have the directions which I could not do if my phone dies, lost, etc. To me, the lack of a cue sheet is the most important aspect the discontinuation of the maps. I personally use a GPS as a back up to the cue sheet so as long as a cue sheet exists, I would be OK with that. I just have had issues when the electronics have failed me so am extremely reluctant to reply solely on electronics.
We also spoke about the "trusted volunteers". The reason it has always been the policy to have the data was to always match the maps. Doesn't quite make sense to me that if you can update part of the package (data) why not do it, sort of like an addendum does, but there it is. I emphasized there are several highly experienced volunteers who would help if just asked. Why they do not take advantage of free labor so they can concentrate on more important things is a mystery to me.
Regardless, Jamie said that hopefully within the next year they would be introducing a new version of the ACA bicycle navigator app (or possibly a stand alone website, not sure I completely understood) that will possibly allow for user input of services (hotel permanently closed); comments (really bad dogs here); etc. That would be nice but of course does not replace a paper map.
In summary, Jamie understands the frustration everybody has but could not promise anything at this time due to budgetary constraints. He is at least considering doing the PDFs for the discontinued routes that do not have major re-routes going on.
If I have misunderstood any of this, I would encourage Jamie to correct me. In closing, I firmly believe ACA maps are incredible and thank the ACA staff for their work over the year.
Tailwinds, John