Author Topic: Recommendations for thermometers?  (Read 31184 times)

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Offline staehpj1

Re: Recommendations for thermometers?
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2017, 12:36:10 pm »
I used to carry a zipper pull thermometer.  Then on one trip a few years ago, I realized that I hadn't been carrying it for several years.  I hadn't missed it.  I choose to go minimal, go light.
I can relate to that sentiment, but 1/4 ounce for a zipper pull thermometer or zero additional ounces for a bike computer with a temperature function are not going to make the difference in whether you are or are not travelling light IMO.

Offline jwrushman

Re: Recommendations for thermometers?
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2017, 12:44:58 pm »
I like to record the temperature in my journal. When I'm feeling miserable, it gives me some justification.  I didn't think about roads freezing.  I hope that's not a problem in July, but I guess the weather is never predictable around Glacier NP.  For me, the zipper-pull thermometers are just too small for me to read easily or to get a very accurate reading.

Offline canalligators

Re: Recommendations for thermometers?
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2017, 12:21:40 pm »
Yeah, sorry if I came across a little cranky.  I'm more inclined to skip things like that because it's just one more thing to deal with.  I actually would like a thermometer for commuting to work, which I do all year in a northern climate.  It would help me to calibrate my clothing, which is a bigger challenge below freezing.

Offline watercamper

Re: Recommendations for thermometers?
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2017, 10:01:28 pm »
I just used a meat thermometer on my last tour.  I stuck it down in my feed bag.  It's very fast to get to the temp, accurate, easy to read on the fly, doesn't cost much (free from the kitchen).  Much better than the zipper ones.  Mine also has a cover with a clip for a pocket.  Not sure if that would affect the temp.  Probably not once it acclimated.  Doesn't do high/low of course but I'm usually riding in the highs so I can just read it.  And, the low, as others have said are usually near dawn which is about the time I wake up.  YMMV  I tried to attach a file but it isn't showing up in the preview??

Offline BBA77

Re: Recommendations for thermometers?
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2017, 05:05:28 am »
I mostly use the garmin gps temperature reading. When I ride in the hot sun it is enough to cover it with a cloth or a light glove and the temperature readings are acurate.

Other times, the map holder on my handlebar bag overlaps the gps and shades it.

I try to avoid to much resundancy (the gps has a tenperature reading, the cell phone also has a temperature sensor).

Since I already have both the hps and the cell phone for other purposes, it's inexpensive.

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Re: Recommendations for thermometers?
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2021, 03:53:03 pm »
I used to go for a mercury thermometer, but since I heard it can be very dangerous having it in the house, I stopped immediately. Now, I switched to an infrared thermometer and so far, I really like it. It’s way easier to use and I definitely more accurate, since the technology is way more advanced. I actually bought it from an online shop, that supplies directly from the seller and is specialised in medical equipment. You can find more here if you want to check out their offers. I can fully rely on them being professional and having very good prices. I use the thermometer pretty often now, so I might end up buying another one.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2021, 04:59:15 am by jittery »

Offline canalligators

Re: Recommendations for thermometers?
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2021, 10:28:53 pm »
Whoever told you it was dangerous to have a mercury thermometer in your house is an alarmist.  If you don't break the glass and make contact with the mercury, there is no danger.

Offline HikeBikeCook

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Re: Recommendations for thermometers?
« Reply #22 on: April 09, 2021, 08:36:04 am »
 They make one that is a steering tube cap. You can get either a clock or a thermometer. You wont have it inside your tent but it also wont be effected by artificial temp from your body heat. I have seen them on Amazon I think but do not recall the brand.
Surly Disc Trucker, Lightspeed Classic, Scott Scale, Klein Mantra Comp. First touring bike Peugeot U08 - 1966

Offline ray b

Re: Recommendations for thermometers?
« Reply #23 on: April 09, 2021, 11:42:48 am »
The two recent look-a-like posters behave like bots - re-opening long dead threads with keyword-triggered responses.
Not clear we need to respond.
“A good man always knows his limitations.”

Offline staehpj1

Re: Recommendations for thermometers?
« Reply #24 on: April 09, 2021, 11:52:01 am »
The two recent look-a-like posters behave like bots - re-opening long dead threads with keyword-triggered responses.
Not clear we need to respond.
Yeah one replies to some years old post and the other replies to that within minutes.  It is usually some kind of bizarre topic.  I'd block them, but I don't see a block function.  At least there are only a few posts from them so they are pretty harmless so far, but their posts are odd to say the least.

Offline HikeBikeCook

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Re: Recommendations for thermometers?
« Reply #25 on: April 09, 2021, 12:01:23 pm »
It would be great if the original posting date was more obvious. I always look for new posts since last visit and read the last couple of posts. When it is a multiple page post I do not often go to page 1 to look at the origination date - need to check better.
Surly Disc Trucker, Lightspeed Classic, Scott Scale, Klein Mantra Comp. First touring bike Peugeot U08 - 1966

Offline David W Pratt

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Re: Recommendations for thermometers?
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2021, 01:30:21 pm »
IIRC, I used to have a cycle computer that also told the temperature.  That being said, I carry a whistle that has a compass on one side and a thermometer on the other.  Mostly I am interested in the temp in the morning so I can dress appropriately for the riding.

Offline misterflask

Re: Recommendations for thermometers?
« Reply #27 on: July 24, 2021, 08:30:46 am »
There are 'data people' and 'non-data people', and never the twain shall meet.

I get the temperature thrown in the mix on an altimeter wristwatch, which usually resides on the handlebars.  I rarely make particular note of the temperature (life-threatening events aside), but altitude is interesting to track.  Want to know how much climbing there is in each state on the TA?  If you find it desirable information, you'll know how far along you are on a 2000 ft climb.  And there's the occasional 'that's why I'm tired' revelation.

The original poster who just wanted a thermometer lives at one end of the techno curve.  I live in the middle.  The GPS- equipped are wondering why this guy is going on about his altimeter.