Author Topic: FL Connector - Rt 26  (Read 3385 times)

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Offline CDThomas

FL Connector - Rt 26
« on: March 14, 2021, 05:23:06 pm »
Hey All - I’m thinking of riding the connector later this month or early next. Any thoughts on Rt. 26 from Miami up to Clewiston? Looks to have an off-the-road option, like a frontage road. 26 looks like it’s too much of a superhighway to ride enjoyably. Is there a frontage road that parallels? If so, how are its conditions. If there isn't, how bad is 26 and should I just stick to the Atlantic coast? Thanks!

Offline John Nettles

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Re: FL Connector - Rt 26
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2021, 05:34:18 pm »
First, welcome to the ACA Forums.
Do you mean US-27 (I can't find Route 26)?  If so, I too would not ride it though people do ride it.  Regardless, I would probably check out google maps' Bicycle Mode (click on the 3 horizontal lines in the uppermost left corner and then select Bicycling).  The dashed lines are most likely gravel roads but be sure to use the Satellite mode to verify.  Another option is to ride the Miami Canal south and slightly west of Clewiston. 

Is there any particular reason you are doing Miami to Clewiston?  If just riding, I would consider riding Miami to Key West as there are bike paths more often.  Granted the paths may not be the greatest but still better than US-27 probably.

Tailwinds, John

Offline CDThomas

Re: FL Connector - Rt 26
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2021, 07:21:15 pm »
Thanks for the speedy response, John! So here’s my deal. I’m at Anna Maria vacationing with my lovely wife. I’m planning (assuming my bike arrives) to head down to Ft. Myers beach and take the ferry to KW. I’ll ride up the keys, hopefully staying in state campgrounds under the “we don’t turn cyclists away if there’s no other open campground policy” that I’ve read about. When I get to Miami, God willing, I will decide whether to stick with the East Coast Greenway or shoot inland on the Connector, or at least parts of it. I’m not really interested in headed back to Fort Myers so I was thinking I would skip that portion of the connector and head to Clewiston. There’s nothing in Clewiston that I care one whit about. I chose it only because it seems to be a way to get to a couple of the longer bike/walking paths in Central FL and enables me to get back on the ACA FL Connector, so that I can continue on to St. Augustine. One of the routes I found appears to travel parallel to Route 27 (you’re correct -27- my fat thumbs hit the 26) on what appears to be frontage/canal. I have zero interest in riding on an major route. To me, that defeats the purpose of cycle touring: relaxation and safely seeing the world pass at 14 mph. Can central FL meet that objective or is it mostly flat/fast/dangerous? Am I better off sticking to the Greenway along the coast? Thanks for any/all insight and opinions. Chris

Offline John Nettles

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Re: FL Connector - Rt 26
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2021, 08:03:24 pm »
Chris, sounds like a nice trip.  I am not super familiar with SE Florida but I am pretty sure the Greenway is not just bike paths.  It is most likely an on-road route with paths intermingled occasionally.  ACA's Atlantic Coast Route is nice too but since you are in SE Florida, there will be traffic.  Others who live in Florida (Pete), may be able to give you better guidance later this week.

If you want to avoid the traffic, consider renting a car, heading to Tallahassee then riding the bike paths and lower traffic county roads back down toward Tampa area.

Tailwinds, John

Offline CDThomas

Re: FL Connector - Rt 26
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2021, 08:26:35 pm »
Thanks. It’s FL, so there’s bound to be traffic and road riding. Having raced and toured for 35 years, I’m fine with some traffic but just don’t like being scared on crazy roads. Two years ago I went from Tallahassee to Mobile and then Natchez, and jumped on the trace. Good ride overall. Trace was great. Maybe I’ll get a download from ACA of their Atlantic Coast route, which I had assumed was pretty similar to the Greenway. Any other advice/thoughts you or others have is welcome. Thanks again.