Hope you are able to make the trip w/ your daughter. You've received some great advice in this thread.
So Spring is rapidly progressing in the High Country of the Central Sierra. I have a mtn cabin in Upper Hwy 4 area (closest to Ebbetts Pass, which you won't use leaving Yosemite). Did my last ski runs of the season last week at Bear Valley and, indeed, the snow pack is rapidly disappearing. Latest local info is that Caltrans has commenced snow removal ops for both Ebbetts Pass (Hwy 4) and Sonora Pass (Hwy 108), which generally indicates a near-term opening of both. Don't know about Tioga/120...it will be later and there is the NPS factor and COVID-related restrictions at the park....but I would expect it to be open by late May. Check the Park website, etc. for status updates.
There is the possibility of a decent late season snow storm this weekend, but I don't think it will delay the seasonal openings much if at all. Now, there is always the chance for a late season snow storm during May (we had a big one Memorial Day weekend couple of years ago). But once the seasonal pass closures are lifted, any subsequent closures are pretty limited/brief. Temps warm quickly after storms in May, and the sun angle is high, so new snow on pavement melts quickly.
Have fun.