Author Topic: Sold Trek 520 54 CM Red - New Condition  (Read 6000 times)

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Offline bcline

Sold Trek 520 54 CM Red - New Condition
« on: April 07, 2021, 07:22:21 pm »

Selling my wife's Brand New Trek 520 54 c.m.   Virtually not ridden.  No scratches and all in perfect condition.   Includes 3 water bottle holders, a super bell and seat bag with all necessary gear.  Added new bars with a flatter top and gel tape for comfort. Does NOT come with pedals.  Our vision was to tour with this, but we are going to go a Gravel Bike route instead.   Bought in Sacramento and only ridden a handful of times.

The Trek 520 is one outstanding touring bike.  I rode the ST in 2019 with a buddy who used one and it was bullet proof.   Love the racks and disc brakes.   Always highly rated on the list of touring bikes.

Price $1500 + Shipping   

Contact Bruce at 916-365-5041 or with any questions

Thanks for looking Ride On!
« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 11:40:36 pm by bcline »

Offline Nyimbo

Re: FS Trek 520 54 CM Red - New Condition
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2021, 08:27:23 pm »
I may have ridden this bike??? I test rode a 520 54cm at the Sacramento Trek store in (I forget date for sure) Oct or Nov) this past year.  It was a nice bike and almost bought it, but then I test rode a 520 Grando at a Trek store in the Bay Area and bought it instead. 

If it is new this is a good price as it was selling for $1675 in Nov and the price went up in 2021 to $1775.00.

Good Luck with your sale.