I bought the Northern Tier map set in November of 2019, and the gpx files in June of 2021. My wife and I started riding from the west on June 23 and are now somewhere in Montana. Section 1 and Section 2 worked fine on my Bolt, but when I got to Section 3 there were no bread crumbs to follow. I finally figured out that my paper map isn’t the current version and therefore doesn’t match the gpx data. I looked at other map sections and found that Section 4 and Section 7 have newer map versions, so those, too, won’t work with my gpx data.
I checked ACA’s updates page and downloaded and printed the updates for the northern tier before starting the ride. No mention of route changes. Nothing to suggest that I should buy a new map.
Now I have to figure out how long it will take ACA to mail me new maps, figure out where we might be at that time, and figure out which post office to choose as a general delivery address for the maps.
I contacted ACA and the response was, basically, you should buy the current map set. I also saw a similar response from them on another forum page. We’ll, I would have bought the current map set if I knew I needed something different, but since nothing was mentioned on the updates page why would I?
I’m very frustrated with ACA right now.