Author Topic: TA #3 and L&C #6. Lolo Pass US 12 Potential Closure. July 2021  (Read 2075 times)

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Offline jamawani

The Granite Complex / Lolo Creek fire is approaching US 12 near Lolo Pass.
According to the USFS:

Lolo Creek fire: Expected to impact highway 12 at any time. Will continue to move towards Wagon Mtn to the east when it crosses the hwy. BM hill fire: will continue to move NE in granite creek, and up-canyon to the East and west. Shotgun fire: continued roll out, isolated torching and short range spotting into boulder creek towards the boulder fire scar. Potential for slope-driven runs. Primarily fuels and terrain driven fire behavior unless instability or outflow winds.

The language of the warning suggests that the event may not be a long-term closure.
The Lolo Creek fire is separate from and smaller than the main Granite Complex fire.
However, TransAm and Lewis & Clark riders should prepare for a closure soon.
Any detour would be quite long.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2021, 09:37:13 am by CMajernik »