Author Topic: What cyclists see, and nobody else.  (Read 12360 times)

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Offline BikeliciousBabe

Re: What cyclists see, and nobody else.
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2021, 01:27:46 pm »
Oh yeah, the last post reminds me that I see turtles shufflin' cross the road from time to time.

The last time I saw a turtle in the road this spring in South Jersey. It was a very large snapping turtle. Shell was at least 2'. A motorist and I both stopped. I tried to pick it up by the back of the shell to move it out of harms' way. The thing went nuts. So strong. I dropped it like a bad habit. Add "Picking up a large snapping turtle" to the list of things I will never try again.

County maintenance guy comes along driving a front end loader. Pulls over, finds a large piece of tree branch and starts pushing the thing towards the grass. What drama. The turtle was trashing around and snapping like a 'gator. Motorist says something like "Careful. Don't hurt it." Guy responds "You can't hurt these things." He finally got it off into the grass.

Offline Westinghouse

Re: What cyclists see, and nobody else.
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2021, 02:10:08 am »
Bungee cords were the most numerous items of all, by far. I thought to myself, if I could collect them all, I could make money selling them at the flea market. Many times there were packs of new cords unopened, as if they fell off a truck. Wrenches and gadgets and cell phones and jewelry and shoes and diapers and plastic bags full on who knows what and snakes and the dried bones of foxes and bob cats, the faded old back-pack left behind a guardrail post, the dragon fly on the tip of the limb, the odor and sight of carrion and a lot more line the roadsides.There is something else the cyclist sees that motorists do not. He sees people describing obviously hilly roads ahead as flat.  I know why they say hilly is flat, and it is an interesting observation of human cognition.

Offline BikePacker

Re: What cyclists see, and nobody else.
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2021, 08:24:44 am »
It was a very large snapping turtle. Shell was at least 2'. A motorist and I both stopped. I tried to pick it up by the back of the shell to move it out of harms' way. The thing went nuts. So strong. I dropped it like a bad habit. Add "Picking up a large snapping turtle" to the list of things I will never try again.
County maintenance guy ...  responds "You can't hurt these things." He finally got it off into the grass.
You got me wondering something about turtles that has occurred to me in the past when I see 'em crossing the road,
what other critter travels so well 'self-contained/fully loaded?' Answer: Bike Tourist?