Author Topic: Grant, MT services on the GDMBR  (Read 2427 times)

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Offline ray b

Grant, MT services on the GDMBR
« on: August 05, 2021, 12:14:38 pm »
Although the guidebook parenthetically states, "(Grant, with extremely limited services, is 0.7 miles west off the route.)," on the advice of some northbounders, who had spent the night, I just finished breakfast at the Horse Prairie Stage Stop, which has been in operation since 1860.

It's been owned for 19 y by a retired combat vet (currently back in Iraq).

Services include full restaurant menu from 8AM - 9PM, rooms and showers stsrting at $40, and camping.

While here, the neighbor, who makes the pies came in with some apple, peach, blackberry, and strawberry rhubarb fresh out of the oven. She also offers free camping to cyclists in her yard, but notes that once she mentions services (like showers, food and beer) at the stage stop, the cyclists usually opt for the "Prairie Horse Hilton."

Photos include new signage on the GDMBR and the original 1860 building for the stage stop.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2021, 09:08:49 pm by ray b »
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