Author Topic: Cycling Florida to California in 2007. A day in the life.  (Read 3924 times)

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Offline Westinghouse

Cycling Florida to California in 2007. A day in the life.
« on: July 18, 2024, 02:57:11 am »
Tammany Trace north of New Orleans was great for cycling. Others were seen running and cycling and walking. It was table top flat all the way and hardly ever had to stop for motorized traffic at any of the crossings. One small grocery store I stopped in for a can of beans and a can of Vienna sausage had several kinds of bicycles hanging from the ceiling and standing in its showcase windows. It had been dark for some time when I reached the trails end in Covington. I was concerned because of a weather report of rain, lightning and hail. I spent quite a bit of time cycling around town and back down the trace looking for a high place to set up camp, but to no avail. I finally had to settle on a small fenced in grassy area with trees across from the corner club bar. I set up the tarp using the tent poles. By the time I cooked it was about midnight. I climbed in under the tarp to sleep, and 10 seconds later the rain started. At first it was only a few light drops. But later it increased to a torrential downpour. Lightning flooded the sky  like a gigantic strobe light. The rain just kept pouring almost all night long. Eventually the water started inching its way into and under the tarp. The ground was hard and impervious to penetration by water. It had been very hard pushing the aluminum tent pegs into the ground, almost impossible. And it just rained and rained and rained. I could not sleep because I was worried about all the lightning strikes in my area. Later the weather channel would report over 2000 lightning strikes in the vicinity.

About 50 ft away stood a sprawling one story building with a large overhang that was probably used as a carport at one time. I resolved that once the rain let up for a while I would move everything under the overhang awning. It was on the other side of a flora fence. It was morning by the time that break came. First, I grabbed the four panniers and walked through ankle deep water to the roadway and back around to the overhang. The rain picked up again so I waited there a while until it abated again. I just walked through deep water through the flora fence and got the handlebar bag, foam pad, and sleeping bag. After that I got the rest of the gear, the bike and  carried them all under the overhead. I set out the tarp flat on the concrete floor to dry. I set up the pad on its edges. I spread the bag over a couple of wooden sawhorses to dry. I listened to the radio and brushed my teeth. I emptied water out of my shoes and rung my socks until they were no longer soaked. I packed the panniers and waited.

When the rain let up sufficiently I cycled over to McDonald's about two blocks away where I am at this moment at 1600 which is 4:00 p.m. civilian time. Outside there is a constant drizzle. The weatherman says this wet weather May remain in the area for a few days. I cannot cycle in it. Therefore, I may be locked in here for a few days. I will go to a laundromat to dry the sleeping bag at least. I may end up sleeping underneath that same overhang tonight. There were two reasons why I did not go under the overhang to begin with. I thought it might be an act of trespassing and it was not well concealed. Also I had not thought the storm would be so severe with so much lightning and rain. Who knows, maybe the weather will clear up sooner than predicted. My muscles could use the rest anyway. Maybe this will be a good time to get in some stretches. I did drink three pints of Red dog beer before hitting the sack last night. At this moment thunder continues to shake these dark gray and light gray skies.

I went to a laundromat in Covington and dried the sleeping bag. Then I sat on a bench out in front of the laundromat. Next I walked to the Dollar tree store and bought a box of taco flavored cheese-its and a 32 oz gatorade. I sat and ate and drank on the bench near the laundromat. There were a few day labor types hanging around there. Later I went back to McDonald's for a cup of coffee. It tasted old and bitter. I did not finish it. Around dark I went back to the building carport, lay out the pad and bag and laid down. I turned on the radio. The weatherman said the rain has gone now. I did some stretches and went to sleep.