Author Topic: going up north from Atlanta into Tennessee  (Read 5548 times)

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Offline IknowUrider

going up north from Atlanta into Tennessee
« on: September 16, 2021, 03:58:05 pm »
Hi considering going up RT 411 out of Atlanta then connectors into into Tennesee, it's 307 miles to Nashville (but I may end up east of there on a farm).  The route seems to bypass the Smoky Mountains , I scoped out the terrain on Google and amazingly it looks pretty do-able so far. (I'll do a RWGPS map on it when I get more details... )

Just looking for general info, safety, services, culture , terrain . Hosting?   From someone who has done the ride.  Thanks.

Offline Pat Lamb

Re: going up north from Atlanta into Tennessee
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2021, 06:19:46 pm »
IIRC, there's a bike route 27 that connects into the Silver Comet rail-trail.  BR 27 then goes into Chattanooga.
 That might be preferable to 411 to get out of Atlanta.

FWIW, 411 in Tennessee is lovely where they've rebuilt the road, with wide, paved shoulders.  Where they haven't rebuilt yet, it's zero shoulders, and the same heavy 60 mph traffic.

Offline BikePacker

Re: going up north from Atlanta into Tennessee
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2021, 07:35:55 am »
You may already have full awareness of this...
but on the outside chance, no.....
Bicycle Ride Across Georgia ( does an Atlanta to or from Chattanooga every year.
They typically do US.BikeRt.21 as you will see here:
They may well be a source of information (?) for you.
This year's ride is in a week, 9/24-26.
The Route/Que data is here:

Offline IknowUrider

Re: going up north from Atlanta into Tennessee
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2021, 05:13:33 pm »
wow, 60 MPH roads no shoulder . Well allrighty then... thanks.

Offline IknowUrider

Re: going up north from Atlanta into Tennessee
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2021, 05:26:30 pm »
IIRC, there's a bike route 27 that connects into the Silver Comet rail-trail.  BR 27 then goes into Chattanooga.
 That might be preferable to 411 to get out of Atlanta.

FWIW, 411 in Tennessee is lovely where they've rebuilt the road, with wide, paved shoulders.  Where they haven't rebuilt yet, it's zero shoulders, and the same heavy 60 mph traffic.

awesome. Thanks so much . Any advice on connecting to that out of Atlanta?  Looks like (blue)  RT 175 is an interstate , looking at the BRAG map , so I assume that's a no-no? 

Offline Pat Lamb

Re: going up north from Atlanta into Tennessee
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2021, 08:50:19 am »
IIRC, there's a bike route 27 that connects into the Silver Comet rail-trail.  BR 27 then goes into Chattanooga.
 That might be preferable to 411 to get out of Atlanta.

awesome. Thanks so much . Any advice on connecting to that out of Atlanta?  Looks like (blue)  RT 175 is an interstate , looking at the BRAG map , so I assume that's a no-no?

Take a look at -- FWIW, it's USBR 21 vice 27.

Offline IknowUrider

Re: going up north from Atlanta into Tennessee
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2021, 10:31:16 am »
wow that's awesome. on the USBR link above it only showed the 59 mile stretch into Chattanooga from Smithville or whatever that town is, have to go back and get the proper name, sorry .  So the terrain is relatively flat if I'm on Rail trails? 

Offline IknowUrider

Re: going up north from Atlanta into Tennessee
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2021, 10:32:41 am »
Also , any ideas for warmshowers hosts that would be awesome