Author Topic: WTB Touring Bike  (Read 6883 times)

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Offline CantDoPullUps

WTB Touring Bike
« on: June 26, 2021, 03:49:37 pm »
Hello! I am located in central California, and wanted to purchase a touring bike in the $1200-$1500 range. Looking for Trek 520, Kona Sutra, Surly LHT...but will absolutely look at, and consider other bikes and brands.

I am 71cm Tall (5'10" around). I have never been sized for a bike before, but I figure I'd fit 57-58

Thank you!

Offline dlkrall

Re: WTB Touring Bike
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2021, 10:08:48 am »
I live in Central California and have a Salsa touring bike I would consider selling.  Are you still in the market for a bike?

Offline PapaRandy

Re: WTB Touring Bike
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2021, 09:57:54 am »
I have a 2021 Trek Checkpoint ALR4 I am looking to sell.  If you are still in the market, I am asking $1400