Author Topic: Speedplay Frog Cleats: Looking to Buy or to Swap Speedplay X Series In Return  (Read 5497 times)

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Offline noshbygosh1

On my recent adventure a couple of weeks ago, I lost a screw and another part on one of the cleats.  Even though Wahoo owns Speedplay, it decided to stop carrying the Frog model and so cannot find a set of replacement cleats.  Wahoo also decided to stop supporting the X Series, and I do have an extra pair of new/unopened cleats (V.2) for this model.  I consequently am looking to buy a pair of Frog cleats or swap X Series cleats for these treasured Frog cleats.

Offline ray b

You have good taste.  My knees like them and I have been using them since they came out. I have broken 3 or 4 sets of petals. The nylon just does not hold up to rocks and hard falls like a mountain bike pedal should.

The big problem with the frog cleats is that they wear out relatively quickly - even if you keep them cleaned and greased - not easy on a mountain bike..I just mounted my last pair of new cleats in September.and will still have still have 3 sets of usable Frog pedals, in about 4000 miles, when these cleats wear out.

 Although the zeros are fairly good, I have given up on Speedplay for touring and mountain biking.. I have  switched my indoor training shoes over to Crank Brothers, and I hope my knees get used to the reduced rotational degree of freedom by the time my last pair of frog cleats lose their grip..

“A good man always knows his limitations.”