Hi im planning my first long haul....
My concern is getting the timing right.
How many days do you think it will take to arrive?
What a great route to ride.
As noted, the answer to your question depends on a lot of factors - and especially, fitness and weight of you and the bike. (Do you climb well?)
If you plan on camping some of the way in Daniel Boone NF, that's extra packed mass going up the hills.
Best way to estimate timing is to get out and do 30-50 miles in the hills on your fully loaded bike. That will give you an estimate of average moving speed and you can go from there. Don't try to extrapolate from efforts on your unloaded bike - unless you're going to do the motel/credit card style of touring.
I find that I'm happiest if I put myself on a schedule in which I double the amount of time Google Maps or Komoots estimates. I might find myself with extra time, but it beats the heck out of the frustrations and irritation that goes with falling behind a schedule - especially if there is a non-refundable plane ticket at the end. Remember - set this up to be fun. You'll find great things to see and do along any route in this region - if you have the time.
In that vein, I'm with Mr. Nettles - I always schedule at least one day off early in a trip; I'm never in as good a shape as I think I am, and the old racing mentality usually has me over-extended on day 1 and forced to recover.
Have fun.