Author Topic: Southern tier EB Jacumba -> Ocotillo ?  (Read 4050 times)

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Offline filip

Southern tier EB Jacumba -> Ocotillo ?
« on: December 13, 2021, 11:53:04 pm »
Hello, so it seems like it is prohibited to ride on 8 in between these cities but people are doing it anyway? I didn't manage to find any detour...


Offline OHRider

Re: Southern tier EB Jacumba -> Ocotillo ?
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2021, 09:25:59 am »
Just rode it late October- see hyperlink below for the route we took.  We did take I-8 down the mountain and it's allowed.

Note- I do not recommend following our route out of Ocotillo.  It was one of the worst roads I'd ever ridden on (it's closed at a bridge but you can walk the bike across).  My rear rack failed the following day and I bet it was due to the bumps.

Let me know if you want further details.  Note that you can Warm Showers camp at Desert Tower or they also have a B&B.  Very nice people there.

Offline John Nettles

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Re: Southern tier EB Jacumba -> Ocotillo ?
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2021, 10:28:18 am »
The federal law (can't find the actual law anymore) states, regardless of what is posted, that you can ride on an interstate IF there are no reasonable alternatives.  The question is what is "reasonable".  I think they write laws like this so lawyers get more money as the word "reasonable" is contested as to its meaning and application.

Anyway, this section of I-8 permits cycling and also has the "bikes on road" signs.  They probably permit it because it is the only road available, paved or gravel within miles of the interstate. 

I agree with OHRider.  The road west of Octillo is one that can loosen fillings, make a woman out of a man, and just basically made you wish you would have taken any road other than this one.  If doing it again, I would definitely take either the interstate or CA-98. 

Tailwinds, John

Offline staehpj1

Re: Southern tier EB Jacumba -> Ocotillo ?
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2021, 10:48:06 am »
The road west of Octillo is one that can loosen fillings, make a woman out of a man, and just basically made you wish you would have taken any road other than this one.  If doing it again, I would definitely take either the interstate or CA-98.
Yep avoid that one at all costs.  It is in terrible shape unless it has changed since I was there.

FWIW, in general I found that the cops took a pretty hands off approach if there was any question regarding whether it was okay to ride any given section of interstate on the route west of the Mississippi and generally most non urban interstate in the west.