Author Topic: Counsel on Southern Tier W to E starting mid March  (Read 6210 times)

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Offline kenw

Counsel on Southern Tier W to E starting mid March
« on: January 20, 2022, 03:50:18 pm »
Greetings, I've already received a bunch of wisdom from this great forum. I'm planning a solo, hotel/motel Southern Tier W to E trip starting mid March.  Will start at about 80 miles/day, then hope to average 110 or so.  I'll be relying on the ACA maps to identify lodging and the route.  Any thoughts/warnings/ideas on the trip from those who know the route? Seems if I'm a bit flexible about length of days in the places with less towns I'll be fine on the hotel front.  Also, any great bike stores recommended at the kickoff spot?  Many thanks!

Offline John Nettles

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Re: Counsel on Southern Tier W to E starting mid March
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2022, 04:39:59 pm »
Welcome to the ACA Forums!

If you can realistically, i.e. have done it before, do 80-100 miles per day, you will be fine.  Just remember the days will be shorter than the summer so if it takes you 12 hours to do 100 miles, you might be pushing the miles a bit.

You should also count on using a hotel locator, i.e., Google Maps, Expedia, etc., as ACA does not always list every hotel.  Be sure to call to ensure they are still open as some have closed.  This is especially true of remote restaurants you plan to utilize. 

I would probably use one of the bike shops listed in the maps or check out the reviews on Google Maps to see which won is highly rated.

Have a great trip!

Offline CMajernik

Re: Counsel on Southern Tier W to E starting mid March
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2022, 10:27:06 am »
If you want to do 80 miles per day be aware that in the initial 71 miles you will be going from sea level to the 3980' Tecate Divide.
Carla Majernik
Routes and Mapping Program Director

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring people of all ages to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776 x218, 406/721-8754 fax

Follow Routes & Mapping on Twitter: @acaroutes

Offline staehpj1

Re: Counsel on Southern Tier W to E starting mid March
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2022, 10:51:02 am »
Welcome to the ACA Forums!

If you can realistically, i.e. have done it before, do 80-100 miles per day, you will be fine.  Just remember the days will be shorter than the summer so if it takes you 12 hours to do 100 miles, you might be pushing the miles a bit.
I rode mid Feb - mid Mar and the daylight hours are surprisingly long along the southern border that time of year.  Much longer than in the fall.  By March 15th in El Paso it is 12 hours from sunrise to sunset and there is daylight before and after that.  I didn't find daylight to be very limiting at all.

Offline staehpj1

Re: Counsel on Southern Tier W to E starting mid March
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2022, 10:55:16 am »
If you want to do 80 miles per day be aware that in the initial 71 miles you will be going from sea level to the 3980' Tecate Divide.
I have ridden that first part a couple times and it is quite hard.  I'd plan on taking it east for the first day or two myself, ymmv.  It becomes easier to make long miles as the ride progresses.

Offline OHRider

Re: Counsel on Southern Tier W to E starting mid March
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2022, 09:25:01 am »
Your miles per day may be dictated more by where hotels are than the 80-100 mile plan, at least while you're in desert areas which realistically go almost to Austin Tx.  Best to look for the next hotel early in the day (same thing with water)- especially considering cell phone service is off and on.