Author Topic: Southern tier I-10  (Read 5846 times)

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Offline kenw

Southern tier I-10
« on: March 13, 2022, 11:57:48 pm »
Hi. I am three days into the southern tier. I see on the maps that it is possible to do a shortcut going east from the Arizona border on I 10 and meeting up in Phoenix. I would consider this as it would save me a day. Anyone have any thoughts on how I 10 is? I am staying in hotels it’s 120 miles so that is a bit too much for one day. If there is a hotel that say 90 miles. Thanks

Offline John Nettles

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Re: Southern tier I-10
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2022, 09:00:37 am »
I am guessing you mean the stretch between Yuma and Gila Bend.  I would suggest you ride from Wellton (Microtel hotel) to Gila Bend as it is about 86 miles.  I-8 should be ok with these two caveats:   

First, it will be relatively safe but noisy and second, you could have flat tires due to shredded truck tires that spew thousands of little thin wires than seem to be attracted to bike tires.  Take a cotton ball or a shirt or something other than you finger and rub the inside of the tire if you can not find the cause of the flat. Since you will have good site lines, you should be OK.  Wear bright clothing, ride in the shoulder at all times, and hopefully you have a mirror to keep an eye on traffic.

Please do the community a favor and report back how it was riding on I-10 as this question is not uncommon. 

Tailwinds, John
P.S. Edit content
« Last Edit: March 14, 2022, 09:42:40 am by John Nettles »

Offline kenw

Re: Southern tier I-10
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2022, 09:25:39 am »
Thanks so much for replying.  Actually I meant the stretch from a bit west of Brenda, AZ on I-10 to exit 112 west of Phoenix. It’s mentioned in the “using this map” section of ACA southern tier map #1.  The stretch you’re  describing seems to be on I-8.  FWIW I’m in Calexico now and was planning on riding to Blythe today.  And it’s just east of Blythe I could pick up 10 instead of going up to Soleme and then Wickenburg and then Phoenix Thanks again. Love this community.

Offline John Nettles

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Re: Southern tier I-10
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2022, 09:41:36 am »
Sorry, my mistake.  Honestly, I did not know that ACA is suggesting an alternate along I-10 between Quartzite and Phoenix area.  Regardless, my comments about sight lines etc. are still applicable for I-10. 

That said, I would suggest you stay on the original route as it is pretty nice in places.  Plus it seems to have more hotel services.

Whatever you decide, hope you have a great ride! 


Offline kenw

Re: Southern tier I-10
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2022, 10:34:23 am »
Great advice.  And wow is it stunning out here.  Thanks again.

Offline OHRider

Re: Southern tier I-10
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2022, 03:22:53 pm »
Last fall we went from El Centro via 115 and then hopped on I8 to just east of Yuma where we stayed with a Warm Showers Host.  Dry camped the next night just east of Dateland then stayed in Gila Bend.  We took a route to Maricopa that I wouldn't recommend (there is an Adventure Cycling detour with details.  I8 wasn't too bad for the most part.  I can look up my route on RWGPS if you need more details.  Good luck- it is a great ride!