Author Topic: In the hunt for...a travel mug that fits in water bottle cage  (Read 9564 times)

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Offline j1of1

I'm in the hunt for a travel mug which: 
1.  Keeps my coffee hot;
2.  Doesn't scald my lips when I drink from it;
3.  Fits in a bottle cage
4.  Holds at least 12-20 ozs

Any suggestions/recommendations?

Offline Ty0604

Re: In the hunt for...a travel mug that fits in water bottle cage
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2022, 09:34:48 pm »
I'm in the hunt for a travel mug which: 
1.  Keeps my coffee hot;
2.  Doesn't scald my lips when I drink from it;
3.  Fits in a bottle cage
4.  Holds at least 12-20 ozs

Any suggestions/recommendations?

I have this guy at home which I use for short commutes. Stays in my cage and keeps coffee hot for long periods of time.
Instagram: tyjames0604


Offline adventurepdx

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Re: In the hunt for...a travel mug that fits in water bottle cage
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2022, 11:09:36 pm »
The Stanley that Ty0604 mentions works. I have one as well.

The insulated mugs offered by Klean Kanteen and Hydro Flask also fit in bottle cages well. I also use them.

Offline canalligators

Re: In the hunt for...a travel mug that fits in water bottle cage
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2022, 04:17:00 pm »
I have looked far and wide for years, with no acceptable result… until recently.

There are a number of them that almost fit, i.e. you must bend the cage a little, or the bottle can’t be fully inserted.  If the Stanley mentioned is the one I’m thinking of, it required bending the cage.  So does the popular Contigo West Loop.  And dozens of others.  Once you’ve bent the cage, regular water bottles don’t stay in well.  Believe me, I’ve been looking for years, they all were too big.

But now you have a good solution, the Travel Kuppe.  It is specifically designed to fit a standard bottle cage and is double walled stainless.  Drinking on the road requires a bit of a practiced motion, but it’s ok.

Until last year, I was using a Contigo Aria, which has been out of production for >ten years.  It was perfect, I wish I could buy a new one.  Or two.  Vacuum stainless, easy to drink from push button, 16 oz.  Mine is in rough shape, rubber bits coming off and it leaks.  But I keep it as the emergency spare.

Offline j1of1

Re: In the hunt for...a travel mug that fits in water bottle cage
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2022, 12:59:48 pm »
All, thanks for the recommendations.  The Travel Kuppe, recommended by Canalligators, is highly rated on that web site that sells everything  (I don't want to mention its name here!), and is several dollars more than the other recommended products, but I'm going to give it a try.  Nothing like a hot cup of coffee on a morning ride.

One more thing...I have THREE water bottle cages on my bike (Thorn Nomad).  I'll use two of my BIVO single walled, stainless steel, silicone coated water bottles to fill the other two cages.  Bivo has a unique product in that your fluids simply pours into your mouth when tipped up - almost like drinking directly out of a cup.  I'm not one of their salesperson, but just wanted to pass this along...

Be well and happy and may the winds always be at your back. 

Offline adventurepdx

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Re: In the hunt for...a travel mug that fits in water bottle cage
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2022, 01:05:03 pm »
Once you’ve bent the cage, regular water bottles don’t stay in well.  Believe me, I’ve been looking for years, they all were too big.

What kind of cage do you use? If it's aluminum, they aren't going to be as pliable as steel ones, which can bend back and forth.

I use Velo-Orange's Retro cages, which nicely adjust to the diameter of the bottle:

Offline j1of1

Re: In the hunt for...a travel mug that fits in water bottle cage
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2022, 01:21:26 pm »
My bike has three Profile Designs "Kages" on it made of nylon which I've used for over 10 years on my bike.   Available for a few cents over nine bucks on Amazon.   

Offline canalligators

Re: In the hunt for...a travel mug that fits in water bottle cage
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2022, 10:58:57 pm »
Once you’ve bent the cage, regular water bottles don’t stay in well.  Believe me, I’ve been looking for years, they all were too big.

What kind of cage do you use? If it's aluminum, they aren't going to be as pliable as steel ones, which can bend back and forth.

I use Velo-Orange's Retro cages, which nicely adjust to the diameter of the bottle:

Aluminum, plastic, carbon fiber, steel.  That cage, like most VO products, looks very nice.  Very smart design.  There are eight cages on various bikes where I might want to carry coffee, times $25?  No thanks.   All the manufacturers need to do is make their mugs an eighth of an inch smaller diameter.  Perhaps the Travel Kuppe will be wildly successful and the other guys will catch on.

Offline adventurepdx

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Re: In the hunt for...a travel mug that fits in water bottle cage
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2022, 12:22:17 am »
There are eight cages on various bikes where I might want to carry coffee, times $25?  No thanks.   All the manufacturers need to do is make their mugs an eighth of an inch smaller diameter.  Perhaps the Travel Kuppe will be wildly successful and the other guys will catch on.

Have you tried the Klean Kanteen, Hydro Flask, and/or the Stanley mugs that have been mentioned? I've gotten these into other cages too.

Offline canalligators

Re: In the hunt for...a travel mug that fits in water bottle cage
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2022, 11:35:35 am »
The Kleen website does not give diameter of the products.  The ones I've seen are too big.
The Hydros don't have a top you can drink from on the move.  Any I've seen in stores are too big.
I could not find Stanley model given TY0604.  The ones I have seen in stores and on their website are too big. 3.1".  Need to be 2.8"

Somebody else may make one that fits now, but frankly I got sick and tired of looking.

Remember, I want one that you don't have to spread the cage on.

Offline Ty0604

Re: In the hunt for...a travel mug that fits in water bottle cage
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2022, 02:48:41 pm »
The Kleen website does not give diameter of the products.  The ones I've seen are too big.
The Hydros don't have a top you can drink from on the move.  Any I've seen in stores are too big.
I could not find Stanley model given TY0604.  The ones I have seen in stores and on their website are too big. 3.1".  Need to be 2.8"

Somebody else may make one that fits now, but frankly I got sick and tired of looking.

Remember, I want one that you don't have to spread the cage on.

The link for the Stanley was below my comment.
Instagram: tyjames0604


Offline canalligators

Re: In the hunt for...a travel mug that fits in water bottle cage
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2022, 04:20:39 pm »
Sorry for the confusion.

3.4” diameter, way too big.

Offline Ty0604

Instagram: tyjames0604


Offline canalligators

Re: In the hunt for...a travel mug that fits in water bottle cage
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2022, 07:08:11 pm »
The 2.9” OD one should work.  I presume the trigger function lets you drink while riding.  When I last looked, about a year ago, i did not find this one.  The 3” one may or may not fit.  Or might fit some cages.  The plastic ones are especially hard to fit, even standard water bottles can be hard to withdraw.