Author Topic: Base maps are "ghosted."  (Read 13338 times)

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Offline MarkT

Base maps are "ghosted."
« on: January 15, 2022, 03:24:31 pm »
I downloaded a segment of the Southern Tier. When I open it in the app, it does not allow me to pick a base map. There are "ghosted," that is shown very dim and unavailable to pick and apply to the route. Any help?

Offline steveres

Re: Base maps are "ghosted."
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2022, 08:38:14 am »
Hi Mark, there are 2 scenarios where you cannot change the base map, so they appear "ghosted" or disabled. First is when you're navigating. You know you're in navigation mode when the bottom of the screen shows speed, distance and a stop button, and the map moves when you ride.  Second is when you're viewing a map offline. In this mode, we assume that you don't have network access so cannot change the base map to use google. Hope this helps.

Offline loonyy

Re: Base maps are "ghosted."
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2022, 12:11:36 am »
Hi Mark, there are 2 scenarios where you cannot change the base map, so they appear "ghosted" or disabled. First is when you're navigating. You know you're in navigation mode when the bottom of the screen shows speed, distance and a stop button, and the map moves when you ride.  Second is when you're viewing a map offline. In this mode, we assume that you don't have network access so cannot change the base map to use google. Hope this helps.

Didn't know about scenario about viewing map offline, need to remember. Thank you!