Author Topic: New to all this ....... have I got this right......  (Read 10418 times)

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Offline MrGColnago

New to all this ....... have I got this right......
« on: April 27, 2022, 09:49:36 am »
Hi there everyone.....fresh to the whole non paper map bit so just to be sure:

Either: use the Bicycle Route Navigator app which would be on mobile device (iPhone OK ?) hence some possible concerns of battery life (but guess can cart some portable charging packs)  and data only on this app so will not transfer to, for example, a Garmin. some maps not available eg Adirondack in this format

Or: use GPX with either Garmin type thing (etrex 22x ?) or a mobile device with suitable 3rd party app (ridewithgps seems to import services file as separate entity; should I be able to get route+services all together ?; did try Alltrails but could not get services to appear anywhere ?). Any others worth stab ?

Is there any active market for secondhand paper maps ?

All help gratefully listened to ! Planning trip out to US (UK based) Sept-Nov so plenty of time to get myself sorted.


Offline John Nettles

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Re: New to all this ....... have I got this right......
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2022, 10:06:37 am »
First, welcome to the ACA Forums!

Yes, there is an aftermarket for the ACA maps, i.e. eBay (at least the USA version) and here on the Classified section.  Just be sure the map is one of the more recent generations.  If you go wiht a used (or even new) map, be sure to look for any addendums on the ACA website. Note that you can not share the ACA App like you can the data.

You got the basic idea of the ACA app.  Yes, there is an Apple version. You mostly got the idea of the ACA GPX data.  You would need a GPS or download it onto your phone.  It does come with both the route TRACK and the service data that is shown on the paper maps.  A couple of notes:  It does not cover all the services out there, i.e. every single convenience store, hotel, etc.; only those on the paper map.  Also, i "think" the newer routes do not always include waypoints if you prefer Routes over Tracks.  If you were riding with a group of friends, you could buy one set of data and then share the data but please don't sell it or distribute it widely as the sale of the GPX data is copyrighted and is a way to keep ACA funded and it is not ACA's intent for it to be shared.

Hope you have a great ride on the Southern Tier (assuming that one since you are arriving in September). 

Tailwinds, John

Offline MrGColnago

Re: New to all this ....... have I got this right......
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2022, 11:18:30 am »
Thanks - that all sounds fine - I have done a trial with the sample gps data from website with ridewithgps and alltrails - with the former I get route and services on two separate maps (attached) and on the latter I don't seem to get services at all; am I doing something wrong or is this to be expected ?

Offline John Nettles

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Re: New to all this ....... have I got this right......
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2022, 11:43:05 am »
I will let others who are more experienced with conversions than I am.  My guess is you have to combine the two files (tracks and services) into one file then do the conversion.  However, I am not sure.

I only use the GPX data (since I tend to modify my routes to go "off route" frequently) in conjunction with a Garmin GPS 64s device. 
Sorry I could not help more.  John