Author Topic: Compass Switch Hill TC vs Teravail Rampart Durable  (Read 6740 times)

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Offline stkchristy

Compass Switch Hill TC vs Teravail Rampart Durable
« on: June 22, 2022, 04:17:22 pm »
I am trying to decide if I should replace my Switch Hills for Teravail Ramparts before I head out on a 1000 mile road trip on Monday (in four days). I really love the ride of the Compass tires and I have they have been pretty reliable (no flats) which is probably just luck. They do not seat well, so if I do get a flat I am going to need to use a canister to fill them back up. I suspect the Teravail's will seat better (not require compressed air) and should be more durable? Suggestions?

Offline wildtoad

Re: Compass Switch Hill TC vs Teravail Rampart Durable
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2022, 03:08:08 pm »
You don't mention which casing variant of the Rene Herse (formerly Compass) Switchback Hills you are running, extralight, standard or endurance. The endurance version would likely be most comparable to the "Durable" variant of the Teravails.

I am currently running endurance Switchback Hills on one bike, and standard casing Humptulips Ridge on another. In both cases, adding soapy water to the bead during initial setup was necessary to properly seat the tires w/ a standard pump. No problems after initial seating.

If your existing tires are in good condition with no or minimal signs of wear, then I would just ride what you already have. Generally, based on my own lessons learned, I like to avoid major equipment changes on a bike on the eve of a big tour unless absolutely necessary. YMMV

Hope you have a wonderful trip.