Author Topic: Newly Discovered ACA Routes  (Read 8162 times)

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Offline John Nettles

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Newly Discovered ACA Routes
« on: August 12, 2022, 09:30:59 am »
OK, as most of you know, I am fairly active on the ACA Forums and have a pretty good knowledge of ACA since I have been a member since 1979 even though their records show it has not been that long due to moving (arrgh). 

Anyway, I was looking at the Routes section which I have viewed dozens and dozens of times over the years.  However, last night I happened to view the bottom of the ACA Route Network list and saw "Short Routes" and clicked on it.  It appears ACA has added 10 short (duh) routes, basically 1 to 2 night routes. Best of all, the downloads are free.

Has anyone seen this before?  Maybe it came out recently while I was touring in Spain.  I think this is a pretty neat idea.  Has anyone here on the forums ridden them?  How are routes selected?  Are they just routes ACA uses in their Tour Department?  Can people submit routes for consideration?  What are the criteria? 

Anyway, since I had not seen anything about this before, I thought I would ask.

Thoughts / comments?

Tailwinds, John

Offline staehpj1

Re: Newly Discovered ACA Routes
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2022, 10:31:39 am »
I've never seen it before.  Some of the routes were familiar though.

Offline John Nettles

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Re: Newly Discovered ACA Routes
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2022, 01:11:22 pm »
Some of the routes were familiar though.

Wow, I would have thought only those local to the areas would have known about them.  Granted, I "knew" about the C&O route near Washington, DC, but that is only because I used to live in that area and rode the W&OD trail frequently. Tailwinds, John

Offline HikeBikeCook

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Re: Newly Discovered ACA Routes
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2022, 01:12:52 pm »
One interesting one is the Washington DC: C&O and W&OD Loop, however it relies on White's Ferry which is sadly closed, perhaps permanently.  The route shows it was updated in June of 2022 but the ferry has already been closed a few years.
Surly Disc Trucker, Lightspeed Classic, Scott Scale, Klein Mantra Comp. First touring bike Peugeot U08 - 1966

Offline John Nettles

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Re: Newly Discovered ACA Routes
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2022, 01:44:26 pm »
One interesting one is the Washington DC: C&O and W&OD Loop, however it relies on White's Ferry which is sadly closed, perhaps permanently. 

That is a shame as I love small ferries like that. 

Offline John Nettles

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Re: Newly Discovered ACA Routes
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2022, 04:49:56 pm »
I was involved in developing these.
If you have any questions, be glad to help.
What was the criteria to develop them?  I am surprised you developed these routes as I would have thought they came from someone else especially more local since the routes are not in your neck of the woods and you tend to do long tours.

Offline BikeliciousBabe

Re: Newly Discovered ACA Routes
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2022, 07:51:24 am »
Thanks for pointing this out.  Wondering if people can submit/propose routes.

I live in Philly.  There are only two routes in the Mid-Atlantic region.  I just got back from an overnight trip to S. Jersey that started and ended with train rides to avoid more heavily trafficked areas.  It goes to a State Forrest where there are almost always available sites.  (This is the busy season down there.  I showed up without a reservation and had no problem getting a campsite.)  You then hit the Jersey shore the net day and ride up to Atlantic City, some of the way on beachfront boardwalks, to catch the New Jersey Transit train service back to Philly.  Both train services are easy to take with bikes, and they are accepted 24/7/365 at no additional charge.  Total distance for this excursion was about 100 miles.  Makes a nice overnighter.  Another option is start on Friday, camp for two nights and take one of a number of day excursions on Saturday, such as one to a nice (and free) county zoo.  It can also be extended longer with a ride to Cape May, NJ, to catch the ferry to Lewes for camping at Cape Henlopen State Park (mentioned in the Delmarva route thread).

Offline Ty0604

Re: Newly Discovered ACA Routes
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2022, 12:03:50 pm »
One interesting one is the Washington DC: C&O and W&OD Loop, however it relies on White's Ferry which is sadly closed, perhaps permanently.  The route shows it was updated in June of 2022 but the ferry has already been closed a few years.

We used White’s Ferry in 2018 to cross and ride the W&OD Trail from Leesburg to DC due to the C&O being flooded. Was bummed to hear it closed. The new owners have been trying in vain to have it reopened but they’re having issues obtaining land rights on the Virginia side. They offered a sustainable amount of money for the use and have been turned down. Even offered to buy the land for way above market value. It’s frustrating because the land is basically worthless to the farm as it sits on the river bank and it only suitable for the ferry landing. Seems to me the folks in Virginia are exercising an extreme power trip.

As to John’s OP: I was unaware of these short routes. Will have to check them out. Thanks!
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