Author Topic: WE versus TA  (Read 3601 times)

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Offline LouisB

WE versus TA
« on: August 11, 2022, 01:04:56 pm »
Hi All

Although I'm still 9 months or so away from crossing the US, I've already started tentatively planning (as per my previous post) and would appreciate your thoughts on route choices.

I intend to start the TA in Virginia and then head west until I reach Pueblo, CO. I was initially planning to continue on the TA until Oregon, but I have to admit that the lure of riding through the dry, arid landscapes of Utah and Nevada (on the Western Express) is extremely appealing, simply because they look so different to anything I have previously experienced e.g. the European Alps. I love landscape photography, which is always something I think about when choosing where to travel.

I appreciate that this will come down to personal preference, and some might argue that Yellowstone is a must-see, so I guess I can potentially limit my choices by asking if the Western Express is unrealistic on my part given that this will be my first tour?

I'm a very experienced cyclist (albeit not particularly gifted when it comes to bike maintenance / repairs!), in good health and fit, and will be fastidious about my preparation e.g. I'll no doubt go on a bicycle maintenance course before I leave. I'm planning to leave Virginia in early May, fully loaded, and will have a 90 day visa waiver (I'm from the UK) to make it from the east to the west coast.

Any thoughts about the more suitable route? One other thing I should mention; I like the idea of regularly crossing paths with other cyclists, which perhaps will not happen if I choose to cycle the lesser travelled Western Express?

Thanks again for any recommendations and for your previous advice re. bike boxes!

Offline LouisB

Re: WE versus TA
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2022, 01:17:53 pm »
Apologies. I'll repost this in the "Routes" forum.