Author Topic: Phoenix to Tucson tour in January  (Read 6671 times)

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Offline SwampYankee

Phoenix to Tucson tour in January
« on: October 13, 2022, 01:48:35 pm »
I am aware that Tucson is reported to be a great cycling destination. How feasible is it to fly into PHX, unbox the bikes and ride to Tucson via the Oro Valley and around the greater Tucson area. Looking towards heading east to Wilcox and then back to PHX to fly home. Anyone have an info on this. Thanks, SY
Travel well, kjr

Offline Pat Lamb

Re: Phoenix to Tucson tour in January
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2022, 09:00:25 am »
It's certainly feasible.  How comfortable are you riding with traffic on two lane roads?  You'll be dealing with traffic, two lane roads, and sparse shoulders coming out of Chandler/Gilbert and from Oracle Junction south into Tucson.  Overnight in Florence or are you up for a 100 mile day?

Get a copy of the Phoenix and Tucson area bike maps before you go.  IIRC the Tucson loop dumped you out onto a main road for a mile or two on the north side of town last time I was there, though they may have finished the missing river link since then.  South side is a little longer (and more confusing) with short gap (or was I lost), but the road was lower traffic than the north gap.

Further east, you'll be looking at either a lot of interstate riding or a long loop to get to Wilcox.  Sonoita towards Douglas is very nice; you should be able to load up with water (hydration pack or extra water in your pocket) and make it from one town to the next.

Offline SwampYankee

Re: Phoenix to Tucson tour in January
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2022, 10:15:29 am »
Great info, thanks. We’re comfortable on the road and interstate if needed. I had planned to overnight in Florence rather than 100 mile day. Ride to Wilcox is optional. Is the oro valley worth a few days? The loop to Wilcox seems very rural is it paved or gravel do you know? Thanks again.
Travel well, kjr

Offline John Nettles

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Re: Phoenix to Tucson tour in January
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2022, 10:27:07 am »
Send me a private message and I can send you a northbound route from Tuscon (or Nogales if you prefer) with Cue Sheets and GPS info.  Also, check out to ensure the climate is OK for you in January.

Tailwinds, John

Offline ride1948

Re: Phoenix to Tucson tour in January
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2022, 02:59:55 pm »
I've biked from North of Phoenix to Tucson myself in January a few years ago. I used the frontage road that parallels interstate 10. Not very pleasant riding next to the interstate but very little traffic and I believed safer.
Oro Valley has a lot of new bike lanes as well as Tuscon. Be prepared for cool nights in January in AZ.

Offline Westinghouse

Re: Phoenix to Tucson tour in January
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2022, 05:04:19 pm »
Recently I bicycled 320 MI from Tucson Arizona to El Paso Texas. It was a good ride because the wind was behind me most all the way, and it was a fairly strong wind. I was flying. It was not a good ride because I used the interstate highway. The shoulders of interstates are debris fields. I had to keep my eyes glued to the road directly in front of me to thread my way in and out and around pieces of rubber containing small metal wires. The wires got my front tire and back tire. After that I put in tuffy tire liners. No problem after that, up until now anyway. After that I bicycle from New Orleans Louisiana to northwestern Florida where I am now. I'm heading out in the morning for the Southeast coast of Florida.