Author Topic: Mid April 2023 Pittsburgh to Ithaca tour research  (Read 11423 times)

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Offline Gordon02

Mid April 2023 Pittsburgh to Ithaca tour research
« on: January 13, 2023, 07:59:38 pm »
Hello cycling community, I live in Oregon and my son is a student in Ithaca, NY.  My intention is to watch his bicycle race on April 22, 23 in the northeast, and I am thinking that I could do some riding of my own to make the most of the transcontinental flight.  Four days of bicycling across the 330-ish miles from Pittsburgh to Ithaca seems reasonable, carrying camping gear.  My request is for good sources of information on how to plan such a tour: looking for smooth pavement with minimal vehicular threat/fear and seeking campground wisdom in general (will they be open in mid-April?).  I might do the same ride southbound after the race viewing.  Or perhaps I'll ride to Boston?   Your thoughts would be appreciated.  Respectfully, Peter Hewitt