Author Topic: Texas Hill Country question  (Read 8385 times)

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Offline Buchmark

Texas Hill Country question
« on: January 28, 2023, 07:45:42 pm »
Hello all!  Hubby & I have the ACA maps for this route but trying to figure out how to ride from airport parking to route.  There’s a brief description but looking at Google streetview, it looks impossible to avoid riding on shoulderless divided hwy.  Help appreciated.

Offline cwskas

Re: Texas Hill Country question
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2023, 03:20:24 am »
Ride with GPS has this route from Bergstrom to McKinney Falls SP.

You can pick up the route there.  I have not ridden this myself, but their global heat map shows that some have.


Offline Buchmark

Re: Texas Hill Country question
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2023, 01:42:12 pm »


Re: Texas Hill Country question
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2023, 02:41:46 pm »
Did you ride the hill country?   Wondering how you made out with this trip.  Lots of busy streets between ABIA and the hill country.   Seriously busy roads.   I think I would have flown into a regional airport in West Tejas. 

Offline Buchmark

Re: Texas Hill Country question
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2023, 08:32:14 pm »
We rode it in April. We left our car (we didn't fly there) with one of the long-term parking companies near the airport and got a Uber back to our hotel, just west of the airport; all of the roads right around are not bike friendly. The path was looked like a long way to go our hotel, and the immediate roads are like interstate highways.
We went south-west the next morning and most of the roads were ok, but we used sidewalks for some sections because of traffic, or the bike paths were over grown.
The next morning from San Marcos (motel off route a few miles)/ Hunter was busy with trucks, as mentioned on the ACA map. We use rear-view mirrors and the cars and trucks were 99% fine, but I have a moderately high tolerance. Probably NOT ok for some. We rode with flashing lights and orange safety flags everyday.
The other days were fine:not 100%, there is always the busy intersection, etc., or driver passing a little close. I do wonder, in the areas near the rivers/ cottages, have heavy traffic in the summer. Those areas were mostly quiet for us.
Getting back into Austin at the north was again very busy. We pulled off to the side a couple of times so trucks could pass, as there was no shoulder. We again got on the sidewalks as soon as we could. On a several mile stretch on the sidewalks we saw one person walking, 2 people on electric scooters, 2 people on skateboards and 3 or so on bikes. So we stayed on the sidewalk until there was a bike lane.
We didn't go to TX to ride in the big city, and we stopped in the northern part of Austin (planned) for the night. Austin has many bike paths, but getting to the airport isn't relaxing, as first mentioned, so we got an Uber and got our car.
Riding close/ in Austin is not horrible, just busy.


Re: Texas Hill Country question
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2023, 04:30:12 pm »
Have done a bit of dualsport motorcycle riding in West Texas.   Not sure I'd be up for bicycling the routes.   But then I've ridden through some exotic game ranches and had a blast with bump gates. (pun)  Definitely some Texas sights out there.   I think there is some rail 2 trail bike path, running East from Dallas.  Nobody I ride with has ever heard of it.  Not sure how developed the bike path might be.   Not expecting much.  Anyway, glad your adventure went smoothly.