Author Topic: Hello, I'm coming  (Read 16440 times)

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Offline lucagoes

Re: Hello, I'm coming
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2023, 07:44:15 am »
Thank you very much for your suggestions, about budget I'm checking motel-prices and I hope to remain under 100$almost everywhere. More, I can have hostels in Philadelphia, South Lake Tahoe and, of course, San Francisco, reducing in this way my outcomings.
Anyway I'll spend what I will have to spend.
About tent, I'm  not practical with camping, I'm afraid to have only more kilos. I realized a motel road book, and I can verify every accomodation one or two days before.
At last, budget will be a problem, but the biggest problem will be my legs...

Offline kd_ca

Re: Hello, I'm coming
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2023, 12:37:00 pm »
If you already have a route in mind, try using one of the travel websites to help you get an idea of the cost of motels. One of the downsides of low cost motels is that their check in ends at 9 or 10pm and their reception is closed.  So if you get there late, you don't have a room to stay and you lost the reservation money (happened to me).

Hotels / Motels also have 10% - 15% added tax on room rate (state and local taxes), and these taxes add up given the average room at cheap motel is $100+

Food is also expensive these days.  Look at the prices for food at fast food locations and multiply by 2.5 if you are going to eat in cheap restaurants.

If you are going to stay at Airbnb, do confirm with host, prior to reservation, that they have a secure place to store your bicycle.  Some airbnb hosts will not allow you to bring bicycle inside and will ask you to chain it up outside (which means a high chance of theft, depending on the area).

Another option is to join an organized tour like

Offline John Nelson

Re: Hello, I'm coming
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2023, 04:19:41 pm »
One of the downsides of low cost motels is that their check in ends at 9 or 10pm and their reception is closed.  So if you get there late, you don't have a room to stay and you lost the reservation money (happened to me).
If I ever get to my overnight stop after 10pm, something horrible went wrong that day.

Offline lucagoes

Re: Hello, I'm coming
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2023, 11:31:35 am »
Of course I'll stop myself before 8 pm, in any case i will choose or book my accomodation every day in the morning.
Yes, I've a route and I know every motel along the route (by google and booking), but I'm joinig in warmshowers too,
Anyway if I'll spend 130/140$ per day instead 90/100, I can survive, the most important thing is that I can cycle all the route to San Francisco.
In some days I will post my route from New Jersey to California.

Offline jamawani

Re: Hello, I'm coming
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2023, 07:25:18 pm »
Luca, Luca. Luca -

Per favore! Check out WarmShower.
You will be going through many places with wonderful hosts.

Offline lucagoes

Re: Hello, I'm coming
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2023, 09:59:10 am »
Thank you Yamawani, Now I'm in Warmshowers, it's seems to be really great. In the meanwhile I'm on youtube too, nut only in italian. If you like to know me, this is the link to my first introductive video: In some days I will publish the second one
Can you tell me something about an app with meteo alarm in case of storm and tornadoes?

Offline Westinghouse

Re: Hello, I'm coming
« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2023, 01:42:58 am »
Watch out for shadey ladies should you cycle those hillbilly streets of Kentucky.  That is quite a journey there ahead of you.  I have bicycled some 35,000 miles in 20 countries.  Quite a few crossings of the continent of north America.  Check weather forecasts frequently.  The climate is going sideways and crazy.  Extreme weather events are increasing in number and intensity.  Damaging lethal storms are popping up suddenly, out of nowhere.  One  day all is clear and calm.  5 minutes later the sky is a black swirling mass.  Wind velocity goes to 80 miles per hour.  Pieces of houses are flung far and wide.  Trees down.  And where are you in all that?  Stay ahead of the weather.

Offline Westinghouse

Re: Hello, I'm coming
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2023, 01:00:53 am »
  • Interstates have very wide shoulders, and thus are generally very safe. You will, however, get punctures from tire wires, and it will not be peaceful, or interesting.
  • Mt Evans is a challenging ride, and the views are extraordinary. Be aware, however, that there is no water at the top, and the expansion gaps in the road will drive you nuts during the descent.
  • Because of the cleaning fee, Airbnb is not normally feasible for one-night stays.
  • ACA maps identify churches where you can stay. When off ACA routes, you can ask. You’ll probably have a 50/50 chance.

Cycle long distances on intestate highway shoulders, wires in your tires will happen.  Put tuffy or other liners in your tires.  Likely they will stop the wires.  Take the liners out later and inflate----SSSssssss.  And you cannot find the wires.  This past November 2022 I did 1300 miles.  About 260 of those miles were interstate highways. Wires wires and more wires.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2023, 01:02:45 am by Westinghouse »