In general it costs about as little or as much as you have to spend for it. In winter 1984-85, two of us had 66 days on the road, from Florida to San Diego. Cycling 100% of the distance. The actual days in the saddle were 54. We did a huge loop around south Florida, down to the Keys, and back to Stuart before commencing the trip to California. That is part of the 66. All costs, including the drive-away car to return were about $1600.00. There is no way you can do that now for that kind of money. Every night save four was a camp in the woods, free camping, what they call stealth camping. That brought costs down, very far below paying rents in motels. About 90% of all our meals, we cooked for ourselves. Remember, nutrition is of extraordinary importance to pushing pedals day in and day out. Try more fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid the convenience store trap. Some small, out in the middle of nowhere, town may have a store for sure----all junkfood. A few days of that, even two, and you will feel the difference, and it is not good. Even young, healthy, athletic women got queezy after a day or two of that glop. They had it on youtube. I think it was 4 or 5 of them. They showed the best eatables they could buy in those small towns. It made my skin crawl. Most or all of them reported feeling sick after a day or two.