Author Topic: Neckar Valley Germany Bike Route Guides & Maps Bikeline and Kompass  (Read 6268 times)

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Offline BrianW

Two current maps / guidebooks to the Neckar River Valley Bike Route (Neckartalradweg) in Germany. Purchased this June 2023 in Germany; like new and newest versions. Selling as a set for one price. We rode this in June this year and really enjoyed the route! BikeLine guide is their typically excellent route book, complete with detailed narrative descriptions (in German, but easily translated with Google Translate camera app). Kompass map is more streamlined and mostly just maps. Both are 1:50,000 scale. I got both because while I like the BikeLine for handlebar bag map case use, I like the map overview that the Kompass has for overall route planning and visibility. $30 for both. Shipping is available at  your cost. Paypal or Venmo ok. Or pick up in Philadelphia, Pa., area.