Author Topic: Great Divide Section 1 Map B. Colt Wildfire roads closure 7/2023  (Read 5475 times)

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Offline CMajernik

The Colt Fire is burning about 15 miles northwest of Seeley Lake, MT, on the west side of SR 83. As of July 28, FR 4370, FR 4353, FR 667 and FR 720 are temporarily closed. These roads are located on the route south of Holland Lake Rd. and near Richmond Peak. The only way around these closures is to ride on SR 83. Fire behavior can be unpredictable, so SR 83 may be closed depending on when you're in the area. To continue your journey, it might be best to hitch hike a ride in a pickup truck to get through the area quickly. For information call 406-247-0922 or visit
Carla Majernik
Routes and Mapping Program Director

Adventure Cycling Association
Inspiring people of all ages to travel by bicycle.
800/755-2453, 406/721-1776 x218, 406/721-8754 fax

Follow Routes & Mapping on Twitter: @acaroutes

Offline ntaylor

Re: Great Divide Section 1 Map B. Colt Wildfire roads closure 7/2023
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2023, 05:57:32 pm »
Update 8/7/2023: The Colt Fire closure areas remain on the west side of SR 83 and so currently there are NO route closures impacting Great Divide Section 1. The temporary road closures for FR 4353, 4370, 667 and 720 have been lifted. This information is susceptible to change.

Here is the incident webpage:
And here is the map of current closures:

The best number to call for status updates is the Seeley Lake Ranger District: 406-677-2233
