Thanks for all replies! A lot to read and digest

Correct I had red hairs long time ago.
* Visa: B2 visa is complicated and quite expensive I found out so I stick to ESTA 90 days for the moment
* Period: still May, June, July seems good slot for the moment
* Do not want to spend much time in cities; I like nature and landscapes. Stay some days in Yellowstone is a good idea!
* Coast to coast is not needed; I start and end in a city with good flight connections to Europe/Holland (Seattle, Portland, Calgary, Vancouver)
* C&O / GAP Trails from Washington, DC to Pittsburgh -> seems nice start of the ride.
* Great American Rail-Trail - why use this trail? Quit roads, I guess. -> -> where to download the gpx tracks then I add them to my possible tracks
* I will camp, use Warmshowers or budget B&B
* I thought since TransAm and Great Divide are quite close I could decide once I’m there depending on conditions on the ground; my bike is not a mountain bike but still able to drive off-road partly with fat tires
* Do I need a water filter or is good water more or less available?
* Where can I download the GPX tracks of all the different sections I want to use. Maybe contact me with direct message.
Thanks. Raoul