Author Topic: seeking routing suggestions for Southern Illinois loop trip  (Read 5148 times)

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Offline bobbiedobbs

seeking routing suggestions for Southern Illinois loop trip
« on: September 27, 2023, 03:15:12 pm »
Seeking routing suggestions for Big Rivers ride in Southern Illinois. My tentative route:

Start in Carbondale.
South on EITHER Route 127 or Route 3 to Cairo (which is better?)
Ride along Ohio River (Routes 37/45) to Metropolis
Ride along Ohio River north (Routes 146/1) via Cave in Rock Park to Golconda, Shawneetown
Return to Carbondale via Route 13 or any better local roads to the north of it

This is from the 1969 American Youth Hostel Atlas!

Seeking scenic, low-volume roads. Any alternatives/suggestions would be welcome. Also, any sense of terrain.