Author Topic: Salt Lake City to Zion... In Mid-March to Mid April  (Read 5788 times)

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Offline SwampYankee

Salt Lake City to Zion... In Mid-March to Mid April
« on: October 03, 2023, 12:34:19 pm »
I am looking at a tour (not bike packing) from SLC to Zion with stops in Provo, Bryce, Escalante Staircase, etc. It looks like the USBRS has routes outlined. Is this feasible in mid-March through April? Would probably fly into SLC and out of Las Vegas. Assuming I can get a ride from St George UT to LV. 4-5 weeks. I am hoping for advice from anyone familiar with this area and that time of year. Thanks, SY.
Travel well, kjr

Offline jamawani

Re: Salt Lake City to Zion... In Mid-March to Mid April
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2023, 01:29:33 pm »
Feasible? Yes.
Pleasant? No.

I used to live in Jackson and we'd go down to Utah in the spring to escape winter.
Winter in Utah doesn't end in March/April until you get all the way to St. George.
Cedar City, just 50 north, can be snowbound, while St. George is sunny and warm.
The difference is primarily elevation and geography.
St. George - elev. 2700 ft.; Cedar City - elev. - 5850

Bryce Canyon N.P. is open, but snow covered until May.
Roads are plowed, but can close any time. And spring snow is common.
The Cedar Breaks Highway - 10,600 - is closed until mid/late May. (Early June in 2023)

Average April 1 temps in Provo - 60F/35F with 6.7" snow in March and 3.7" in April.

You could luck out, but you most likely with have one or two episodes of challenging weather.
Plus, nearly all public campgrounds and quite a few motels will be closed. If open, no water.

Pic - Snow on the peaks, Pine Valley Mountains, June 3
         Not to mention cold and windy

Offline SwampYankee

Re: Salt Lake City to Zion... In Mid-March to Mid April
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2023, 06:17:58 pm »
Thanks much, just what I was looking for
Travel well, kjr

Offline LouMelini

Re: Salt Lake City to Zion... In Mid-March to Mid April
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2023, 09:47:14 am »
I live in Salt Lake City. My wife and I have done 2 or 3 late March/early April trips over the years though the last trip has been about 8 years ago. Each have been a week or so. The weather can be quite pleasant during the day. However mornings can be cold and down to freezing. Fortunately we have not had significant precipitation on our trips. Wind is frequent. Many campgrounds don't open until April 1st. As Jamawani noted, Bryce is high and can be snow covered, but Kodachrome State Park is just east of Bryce and is a nice walking park usually bypassed by the Bryce crowd. I won't discourage you with your plan, but pushing it to early April would make lodging easier, if you are planning on camping, plus a better chance of good weather. Keep in mind Sunday closures in the small town grocery stores.