Author Topic: Traditional Trans America group tour  (Read 9573 times)

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Offline misterflask

Re: Traditional Trans America group tour
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2023, 09:25:04 am »
You might do just as well googling for a bike route as you go along

I did this for a few weekend tours.  Coming back from a work trip I'd have a coworker drop me off with my bike a few days from home on a friday afternoon.  Since you know the roads close to your home, this had the potential to be boring riding.  But using google cycle routing, I was virtually never on a road I was familiar with and saw things I had no idea were there, as well as things I'd heard of, but never happened upon.  I could see a road and turn down it because it looked interesting, to let google figure the route out later (this approach got dodgy at one point when I rode my way out of cell service).  It made for some delightful short trips.

To conserve battery, I'd scribble down the mileages to the next few turns on an ad hoc cue sheet and then turn Maps off.