Author Topic: Rhode Island to Bar Harbor, Maine. fully loaded tour  (Read 3948 times)

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Offline wallybeagle

Rhode Island to Bar Harbor, Maine. fully loaded tour
« on: January 22, 2024, 04:19:55 pm »

My partner and I will cycle fully loaded road bikes from Westerly, RI to Bar Harbor, Maine this summer. We explored the ACA Atlantic Coast route. It veers well west into Connecticut from RI. We'd like to travel along the coast as much as possible. There is Boston and Providence, RI to navigate. We're both very tolerant of traffic. I road C to C , solo 2021.

Other's thoughts and experiences for a route?

Offline rwinot25

Re: Rhode Island to Bar Harbor, Maine. fully loaded tour
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2024, 03:14:08 pm »
When I did my multi-state New England tour from my home here in Connecticut, I crossed Rhode Island and headed to Cape Cod. I then took the ferry from Providence to Boston and connected with the Atlantic Coast route via the Boston Spur. the route passes through colonial New England before approaching the coast near Rye New Hampshire. the remaining trip up the Atlantic coast route is absolutely spectacular!