Author Topic: Feedback on proposed route  (Read 27094 times)

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Offline j1of1

Feedback on proposed route
« on: February 02, 2024, 07:07:20 am »
I will be departing Pueblo, CO mid-June with my end destination Seattle.  FYI - I'm riding on 26 x 1.5" tires.  That info is important because there are a lot of rail-trails I COULD use, but can't because of the size of my tires (e.g, Palouse-Cascades Trail from eastern side of Washington to Ellensburg is not rideable on the tires I'm using according to others I've been in contact with).  Proposed route follows the TransAm from Pueblo to Missoula.  From Missoula I will head north to link onto the Coeur d'Alene rail trail.  After that it gets a little dicey getting from Plummer ID to Ellensburg, WA.  I've looked at several alternatives and the best route IMO is the following:  Plummer ID to Cheney to Wilbur to Sun Lakes State Park to Wenatchee to Cle Ellum and then into Seattle on the PCT.  Lodging will be whatever is available - hotels, hostel, camping, WarmShowers, etc. 

I appreciate any feedback/tips/comments you have on my proposed route and please propose alternative routing if you have a better route.  Thanks again in advance!!

Offline Shmogger

Re: Feedback on proposed route
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2024, 12:04:38 pm »
How was your experience on the Palouse-To-Cascades Trail?  Mine was unpleasant due to the gravel.  To me, the deep, un-packed gravel that makes up most of the PCT is not safe for bikes.  It's a slog to pedal through and your tires slide out from under you when you steer.  It's not only unsafe, it's the opposite of fun.  Would be interested in knowing what others think about it.

Offline jamawani

Re: Feedback on proposed route
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2024, 09:37:25 pm »
Schmogg -

I do try to warn folks.
Most of the P-to-C east of the Columbia is brutal.
Between Ellensburg and the Columbia on the firing range it can be a sand trap.
West of Ellensburg it is fine. (Although early in the season it can be pretty muddy.)

In eastern Washington there are so many superb county roads - often paved.
And even the state highways often have very little traffic.
Even the gravel roads are far better than the P-to-C.
I see little reason to ride the P-to-C in eastern Wash.

Offline Shmogger

Palouse to Cascades Trail Surface
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2024, 02:07:21 pm »
Thanks Jamawani.  I feel like the WA Parks Dept. should be more candid about the eastern portion of the PCT.  A statement on its official website could go far.  Visitors are required to register with the Parks Department before using the PCT, so they could place a prominent note on that webpage too. 

I researched the PTC before my trip, but didn't see any information about the loose gravel.  Something like "Some cyclists have shared concerns about the trail surface (crushed stone) along the eastern portion of the PTC.  Many find the harder surface west of the Columbia River offers a more enjoyable ride." 

Maybe it would help; it couldn't hurt.  I was downright angry at the WA Parks Department for using this surface.

Offline davidbonn

Re: Feedback on proposed route
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2024, 06:33:36 pm »
More accurately the surface and riding are better W of Ellensburg.  Those last thirty-odd miles from Ellensburg (really from where you cross I-90 E of Ellensburg) to the Beverly Bridge are rough.  And E of where you cross I-90 at Renslow the miles are really rough.

For a lot of the route E of the Columbia you are forced onto roads anyway.

Offline Shmogger

Re: Feedback on proposed route
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2024, 03:28:43 pm »
I just may go back next year to ride the western half.    :o  8)