Author Topic: PPP - Big Horn Mountains Road Damage  (Read 3883 times)

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Offline jamawani

PPP - Big Horn Mountains Road Damage
« on: April 12, 2024, 09:26:44 am »
The frost heaves are bad this year between Powder River Pass and Buffalo.
Which is strange since this winter was far milder than last.
They are bad enough to cause a crash coming downhill at speed.
Wyoming is good about road repair - - but - -
that means there will be multiple construction segments on the east side.

The segment in question is the north-south dogleg of US 16
beginning 9 miles east of Powder River Pass
running for 13 miles to the major turn east down the mountain.
(Westbound - starting 12 miles west of Buffalo running 13 miles)

Although the danger is primarily for eastbound riders,
because there are multiple big rollers over ridge lines
westbound riders should use caution, as well.