Author Topic: Since We Are Talking About Cape Meares ...  (Read 4133 times)

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Offline jamawani

Since We Are Talking About Cape Meares ...
« on: March 19, 2024, 11:06:19 pm »
Is there anybody out there who remembers bike camping at Cape Meares?
Or am I just getting old and imagining it?
We are, after all, talking about the 1980s.

They had a single hiker/biker site at the picnic area.
You were asked to share if other riders came along.
But there was just you, the lighthouse, and the ocean cliffs.

* Not Cape Lookout. Not the wheelbarrows at Oswald West.
It's been so long and I've done so many Oregon rides.
And I don't think I was breaking the law,
'cause I've never broken the law.

Offline davidbonn

Re: Since We Are Talking About Cape Meares ...
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2024, 09:49:01 am »
I remember there was a semi-formal campsite S of Bayocean Spit on the way to Cape Meares on the Oregon Coast Trail.  It would have been kind of out-of-the-way for a cyclist.

When I say "semi-formal" there were some minimal developments (I recall an outhouse and fire pits with grates) but I could never figure out who was responsible for the site.  If you ask around you will get contradictory information on whether camping ever existed there or if it does now.