Author Topic: Southern Tier (El Paso - Las Cruces)  (Read 5769 times)

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Offline BillBekay

Southern Tier (El Paso - Las Cruces)
« on: March 24, 2024, 09:10:09 am »
The Southern Tier between El Paso and Las Cruces follows NM-28. That seems like a busy road to me and there are no shoulders. Isn't it better to take quieter parallel roads?

Offline Pat Lamb

Re: Southern Tier (El Paso - Las Cruces)
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2024, 09:48:27 am »
Note that part of the road is parallel to I-10.  It's usually the case that when an interstate is built parallel to another road, the interstate gets the lion's share of the traffic.  NM-28, though I haven't ridden or driven it, likely has local traffic only.  Just avoid rush hours, including the end of school.

Offline Westinghouse

Re: Southern Tier (El Paso - Las Cruces)
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2024, 12:25:32 pm »
It is a good route to take.  I have bicycled El Paso to Las Cruces quite a few times.

Offline pschuler47

Re: Southern Tier (El Paso - Las Cruces)
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2024, 08:50:46 am »
I rode Las Cruces to El Paso in October 2024. NM 28 was not at all problematic. One rides through various types of irrigated agriculture (cotton, pecan, alfalfa).

Close to El Paso there is a trail that runs alongside the Rio Grande. I rode the stretch of this trail that runs between the La Union-Vinton Rd (north) to Borderland (south).

Offline OHRider

Re: Southern Tier (El Paso - Las Cruces)
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2024, 01:08:02 pm »
Due to some possible questionable weather we took a more southerly route to El Paso (looks like you're going East to West so simply reverse the route):
-Lordsburg to 113 via I10 - wasn't too bad- lots of traffic
-113 south to route 9 then east to Hachita.  We stayed at the Bicycle Ranch which was a really nice setup with bunk rooms, beer, and pizza.  You can also stay in the center of town if camping- I don't remember the name of the place but just ask at the store.  Hachita is a cool little town.
- Rt 9 east to Columbus where we stayed at Pancho Villa SP.  We also went south into Palomas for dinner- no problems at all for the border crossing even without a passport
-Rt 9 east to 126 then into El Paso.

I thought this was a pretty good alternative.  Mostly easy riding and very low traffic until El Paso.  Some scenery along the way as well.

Offline BillBekay

Re: Southern Tier (El Paso - Las Cruces)
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2024, 10:08:30 am »
Thanks for the answer. I want to take this piece of Southern-Tier to connect to the GDMBR in Silver City. Cycling west along the border to Hachita would indeed also be an option. Although I see little to no shelter from sun and headwinds there. Cycling along the Rio Grande is more through populated areas. This year it was very hot in May (around 100 F) in El Paso, then it is nice if you can stop somewhere for a break out of the sun.

Offline Westinghouse

Re: Southern Tier (El Paso - Las Cruces)
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2025, 01:13:10 am »
There is a road well before you get to Mesa St in El Paso. It runs north and south, south into El Paso. It is on the map. It runs north to Martin Luther King road and farther north you can cycle west to highway 28. It is flat land and gets you around that long steep climb in the city when you bear north out of the city. That is for the ST going east to west. Anyone who pedaled a loaded touring bicycle up Mesa in El Paso would likely take this new route instead. The new route makes a much less strenuous job of pushing pedals to Las Cruces and Silver City.